de un_ptit_gars » Sam 21 Jan 2017 13:50
Infos très intéréssantes de Klinghardt sur l'épigénétique, la transcription des gènes et les maladies environementales:
The Role of Epigenetics in Healing
Epigenetics plays a fundamental role in disease and healing, in addition to everything else that I’ve just described. Epigenetics concerns how the body controls the transcription of our genes and our genome. If we have healthy gene transcription, then we are generally healthy. If our genes are blocked from being transcribed, or we have genes that we don’t need and which are being transcribed, then everything in the body goes "kaput."
Something that I’ve known for about 10 years now is that when people are traumatized through war, starvation, divorce or other factors, and the trauma happens before they have children, then the trauma or toxic exposure sets in motion epigenetic changes in their body and negatively affects how their DNA is methylated or de-methylated. It creates a mistake in gene transcription that then gets passed on to the next generation of their family, and then on to the next. More and more people then become progressively affected.
However, the main thing that sets these epigenetic changes in motion and which destroys or hurts our epigenetic gene regulation are environmental toxins. Our exposure to glyphosate and other organophosphates causes destructive changes in how our genes are read. These changes are then passed on to the next generation. We are currently in the third generation of people who have been damaged by toxins that got into our environment after World War II.
Honestly, I believe that chronic Lyme disease is the outcome of the convergence of two things: environmental triggers, which are the infections and toxins, and the precondition of patients and their epigenetics.
I find that most people with Lyme disease have led pretty clean lives. They tend to be yoga teachers, meditators, ministers and people who are health-conscious. Why is that? Perhaps it’s because they intuitively knew from the time of their conception that they were weaker than others and so were forced from early on in life to take care of themselves. Then at 20, 30 or 40 years of age, they break down from the weight of Lyme disease. Or perhaps it is their genetics and epimutations that make them more intelligent and yet more vulnerable to disease.
Yet, I’ve noticed that if you go back three generations in their families, you find that their ancestors were farmers or dentists who were introduced to herbicides and chemicals that they were told would not harm them. So perhaps it is here that we can often find the real root cause of symptomatic and asymptomatic Lyme disease. Our ancestors were exposed to microbes and toxins, which affected their DNA, and in turn made all of us in the subsequent generations susceptible to disease from these things.
Now, nearly everyone in the United States has chronic infections such as Lyme due to these factors. I would bet that if you took ten people who were asymptomatic, and had them undergo a Rolfing session and then complete the urine PCR test, many would test positive for Lyme. If they didn’t, then it’s probably because the Rolfer didn’t go deep enough into their tissues!
Environmental toxicity has screwed up the way that we methylate and de-methylate our genes, so the end result of this is that we are liberating viruses in our DNA, especially retroviruses that have been silenced in the DNA for thousands for years. We are also liberating pro-cancer genes and genes that make us neurologically ill. And we are silencing genes that we need to fight infections and which keep us from becoming chronically ill. This phenomenon has been going on for several generations now.
We are facing a mass disaster in the future. This is very clear to me. To make this a perfect storm, when you create these kinds of methylation changes in one generation, that means that the following generation will also be affected by the same epimutations, and then the people in that generation will themselves be exposed to even greater amounts of toxins. And so the cycle goes.
Some biologists estimate that we are only one to two generations away from having mass infertility in our population; that is the ultimate outcome of all this. The family line dies out, and if you want to amplify and accelerate that process, you throw in some aluminum and glyphosate to get a perfect storm that will cripple entire populations, making them dysfunctional, unmotivated and sterile.
The vaccine and weather modification programs that are currently being conducted are also damaging, no matter how honorable the people involved in them may be. I am not against vaccines, but some of the ingredients that are added to them are harmful to the body, and they should, therefore, not be used. However, I believe that in the future, there will be better ways to make vaccines safe for everyone.
In any case, I believe that it is the epigenetic changes in our bodies that are weakening our immune systems and causing us to become vulnerable to Lyme infections, but that’s just one side of things.
The Effects of Manipulating Microbes and the Environment
Fifteen to twenty years ago, research showed that the syphilis organism had 20–30 genes (which is very evolved for a microbe), and it was initially thought that the Borrelia organism had just a few more. Then, researchers believed that it had 137 genes. Recently, however, some of my German colleagues spent over $80,000 euros to crack the Borrelia spirochete genome. They took ticks from the East Coast of the United States and brought them back home to their lab in Germany. They isolated the spirochetes from them and found that the Borrelia-like organism that they tested actually had over 600 genes. Normal bacteria have anywhere from 6 to 15 genes. But 600 genes? The high number caused the researchers to suspect that Borrelia was a man-made organism that was created in a lab. This may be one reason why Lyme is so difficult to treat.
Although I think that there may be a not-so-nice plan behind it all, some of the things that are happening to make people sick today are accidental, unwanted and a natural outcome of the toxic world that we live in. In the end, we’re making the planet toxic, which in turn is making us toxic and changing our genes so that we become less able to live. The microbes are "taking us back." That’s what I see. My work is counter-evolutionary because I’m standing in the way of the agenda, trying to help save a few people.
There are more ticks today than ever before, and they are moving westward, but it’s rare for my patients to have a tick bite history. Most of the time, they recall flea, spider, mosquito or lice bites, or simply no bite at all. So, it doesn’t matter if ticks are moving westward. If you go into the forest, you can avoid getting a tick bite, but you can’t easily protect yourself from flea or mosquito bites. Fleas bite cats and dogs, and when they get bored with cat blood or dog blood, they then bite us and infect us with Borrelia spirochetes and all kinds of other microbes. So I’m convinced that it’s the epigenetic changes that have been set in motion in our bodies by continuous exposure to agrochemicals that have caused us to become susceptible to Lyme. Our systems have been poisoned and weakened.
Parallel to this are the eff of climate change upon our bodies and the environment. Insects are proliferating like never before. The aluminum in the persistent contrails rains down on us and is (along with the agrochemicals) eliminating over time all of the higher evolved species: mammals, birds, bees and so on. If you weaken the microbiome of the earth and, ultimately, the higher animal species, then pathogens will proliferate. The trees also get sick as a result of having to "suck up" a lot of aluminum. There is a devolution in place that is fostering the growth of less evolved microbes. Even within the kingdom of microbes, the good or beneficial ones are dying, and along with that, the microbiome of the earth is dying. And, the higher up on the food chain that you go, the greater number of species there are that are becoming extinct.
Everyone feels, and some know, that we are at an endpoint, and we all need to wake up