Pti gars
Main Vitamin Deficiency
Vitamin B complex Deficiency (comprises a number of vitamins that exist as a family. The B vitamins should not be taken individually. They work together.
Mental problems
Mild to severe depression.,
Thoughts of dying, crying spells, inability to cope
Morbid thoughts
Vague fears, fear that something dreadful is about to happen
Uneasiness to panic, Apprehension
Constant feeling that something dreadful is going to happen
Noise sensitivity
Hearing noises, voices, etc.
Mood swings
irritability, easy agitation, frustration
Inability to handle stress
Chronic lack of B Complex leads to adrenal gland impairment.
Nervousness, ADD (attention deficiency), restlessness
Loss of ability to concentrate
Forgetfulness, loss of memory
Mental confusion
Impaired intellect
Lightheadedness or dizziness
Fatigue, Chronic fatigue, chronic exhaustion
inability to sleep (insomnia)
Chest pains
heart palpitations, heart arrhythmia's, fibrillation
Indigestion Digestive problems Hypochlorhydria (insufficient stomach acid production) Constipation or diarrhea, Decreased or increased appetite, Stomach pains, Craving for sweets
tingling in hands, tingling fingers and toes Pain, tingling or achiness
soreness all over Neuralgia to neuritis Muscular soreness
Cold hands and feet
Heightened sensitivity to touch and/or pain
Menstrual complaints
Soreness of the mouth
Burning or itching eyes
Difficulty swallowing
Sore throat
Insomnia or sleep disturbances
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) Deficiency
mental depression
Forgetfulness or mental confusion
Vague fears or feelings of persecution
Severe deficiency can lead to brain damage and a form of dementia, Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, that is mainly characterized by vision changes, ataxia (lack of muscle coordination that can affect movement, speech, and swallowing) and impaired memory and learning
Emotional Disturbances: night terrors, panic attacks.
Poor memory
Nervous irritability
muscular weakness
tingling sensations
excessive fatigue
loss of appetite and weight loss
paralysis of the lower legs
Loss of sensation (numbness) in the hands, and especially the legs
vague aches and pains
nerve damage
nervous system is generally depressed
decreased reflex activity
Muscle cramps, atrophy,
Burning pain present in both legs
pain or tingling in the arms or legs
Weakness to excessively weak
enlarged heart, Chest pain, Increased heart rate (tachycardia) palpitations
Lung congestion
Gastrointestinal disorders
constipation, and nausea and vomiting.
Sleep disturbance
recurrent canker sores
Stunted growth
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) Deficiency
Mouth sores
Skin rash – red, scaly and greasy
Swollen tongue
Fissuring of the lips, corner of the mouth
Itchy eyes -Sore throat, mouth tenderness, painful cracking in the corners of the mouth and cracking on the lips, magenta coloring on the inside of the mouth and on the tongue, and scaly patches on the face, head and genital area.
‘Sore eyes’
Peripheral neuropathy – numbness, tingling, pain of the upper (arm, hands) and lower limbs (legs, feet)
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)
Nausea, vomiting
Difficulty swallowing
Abdominal pain
Increased salivation (hypersalivation)
Diarrhea – watery, sometimes bloody or with mucus
Canker sores, burning in the mouth and a swollen, bright red tongue.
Dermatitis. Initially red, burning skin rash – sensitive to sun exposure. In later stages, there is darkening and thickening of the affected skin.
Vitamin B5 Deficiency
Emotional deterioration
emotional agitation
Low blood sugar
kidney hemorrhage
Overall weakness
Decreased balance/coordination/reflexes
Muscle cramping
Insomnia and fatigue
Intestinal problems such as water retention, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea, Constipation, nausea, bile salts formation deteriorates, deterioration of digestion, duodenal ulcers, abdominal cramps.
Low resistance to infection and slow healing
Low blood pressure
Decreased antibody production, infections.
Numbness or tingling in hands or feet
Leg muscle cramps
decreased adrenal function
sensitivity to insulin
spinal cord and corneal deterioration
fetal abnormalities
testicle deterioration
lung infections
skin deterioration
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) Deficiency
Suicidal thoughts
Mental problems
Easy agitation, frustration
Feeling of uneasiness
Crying spells, inability to cope
Heart arrhythmia
Heart palpitations
Water retention
Tingling hands, fingers and toes
Problems walking
Lack of sex drive
Chronic fatigue
Cracked skin at the corners of the mouth
Rapid weight gain or loss
Skin rashes
Soreness all over
Symptoms in Women
Mood swings
Hair loss
Loss of appetite
Dry skin
Cracks on tongue and lips
Symptoms in Children
Stunted growth
of these sources, we must eat them raw.
Choline Deficiency
B-12 deficiency
shortness of breath
sore, beefy red, swollen tongue
digestive disorders
heart and nervous system disturbances such as numbness and tingling of the arms or legs
mental confusion
Loss of memory (can mimic Alzheimer's disease)
Biotin Deficiency
inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes
insomnia, loss of appetite
muscular pain
brittle nails and hair
thinning of hair which may lead to total hair loss
dry scaly scalp or face - in infants (cradle crap), and in adults in various parts of the body (seborrheic dermatitis)
mental depression
intestinal tract symptoms like loss of appetite, nausea or vomiting
fatigue or extreme exhaustion due to impaired energy production
muscle pain or cramps related to physical exertion
nervo-muscular symptoms like seizures, numbness and tingling of extremities, and movements characterized by lack of muscle tone and coordination.
Choline Deficiency
Impaired memory or brain function or senile dementia (shortage of acetylcholine in the brain has been associated with Alzheimer's).
fatty build-up in the liver, which may lead to liver damage, cirrhosis, or fatty degeneration, inability to digest fats
raised levels of cholesterol or triglycerides
high levels of homocysteine in blood, leading to risk of heart disease and other cardiovascular and circulatory problems
cardiac symptoms
high blood pressure
respiratory distress in newborns or nerve degeneration or nerve-muscle imbalances due to insufficient acetylcholine, the neurotransmitter that cannot be made without choline
anemia, as red blood cell formation needs phosphatidylcholine which cannot be made without choline
kidney hemorrhage or kidneys unable to concentrate urine
abnormal bone formation
impaired growth in newborns
gastric ulcers
Folate (folic acid) Deficiency
Affects production of neurotransmitters, leading to symptoms of irritability, hostility, non-senile dementia, confusion, insomnia, mental fatigue, depression, and nervous system problems of the hands and legs
Skin disorders like seborrheic dermatitis and vitiligo (loss of pigment leading to white patches on the skin)
anemia characterized by breathlessness
heart palpitation
higher blood levels of homocysteine and risk of heart disease
stomach disorders, loss of appetite, peptic ulcers, and digestive upsets
pallor and sensitivity to cold
chronic muscular fatigue, general weakness
gastrointestinal tract problems like periodontal disease, gingivitis
swollen or sore or smooth red tongue (glossitis)
cervical dysplasia
premature grey hair
Can slow overall growth rate of infants and children
Low birth weight or premature infants and neural tube defects
Inositol Deficiency
Hair loss.
Skin eruptions. Eczema.
Raised cholesterol.
Abnormalities of the eyes.
Taking of long term antibiotics may increase your need for inositol, as well as if you consume a lot of coffee.
high blood cholesterol
mood swings
PABA Deficiency
constipation and other chronic gastro-intestinal disorders
frequent headaches
general fatigue
weeping or moist eczema
premature wrinkling of skin
premature grey hair.
Vitamin A Deficiency
Poor vision ( problems to see in dim light (or at night) or if having problems to adapt vision to darkness. )
Dry eyes
Corneal ulceration
Dry hair
Dry skin
Wounds won’t heal
Trouble in sensing tastes
Itchy skin
Fragile fingernails or dry and weak
Vitamin C Deficiency
body stops making collagen causing joints to fail due to breakdown of cartilage and tendons, Painful joints
Numbness and tingling in the hands and feet
pain in the muscles
blood vessels break open
immune system deteriorates, increased vulnerability to infection
easy bruising
small spots of bleeding under the skin (which appear as pink spots on the skin)
swollen or painful joints or bones
slow-healing wounds and fractures
spongy, swollen, bleeding gums and loose teeth, teeth decay easily,
bad breath
dry brittle hair, corkscrew hair
dry rough scaly skin, skin rash, thickened skin spots
muscle weakness
loss of appetite
recurrent colds and infections
possible weight gain due to slower metabolism.
Vitamin D deficiency
Has been shown to impair proper function of insulin- producing cells possibly leading to type 2 diabetes.
rickets which causes soft bones, skeletal deformities or retarded growth in children
osteomalacia resulting in muscular weakness and soft bones
muscle or bone pain (including low back pain)
frequent bone fractures
higher risk of periodontal disease in adults over 50 years old
rheumatoid arthritis
increased risk of diabetes due to insufficient insulin produced
increased risk of high blood pressure
hypocalcemia (low blood calcium level) characterized by muscle cramps, twitching nerves or muscles, numbness and tingling of fingers and toes, irregular heart contractions, and irritability.
Vitamin E Deficiency Symptoms
Poor coordination and unsteadiness due to the brain's failure to regulate the body's posture and regulate the strength and direction of limb movements. (Ataxia)
retinopathy, eye problems such as cataracts or degeneration of the retina
impairment of the immune response
loss of appetite
anemia due to loss of red blood cells
angina (severe chest pains) in males
weakness in muscles and limbs, and sometimes muscle cramps, stiffness or spasms
peripheral neuropathy
damage to nerves characterized by numbness and tingling or burning sensations in the arms, legs, hands or feet
lack of coordination of muscle movements characterized by jerkiness, clumsiness or instability
digestive tract problems such as liver or gallbladder disorders that result in poor absorption of food
miscarriages, uterine or testicular deterioration, decreased fertility.
Symptoms in Infants :
Loss of weight
delayed growth
Poor feeding habits
Developmental problems that includes physical and mental problems
Chronic cholestatic hepatobiliary disease-causing neurological deficits,
Spinocerebellar ataxia with loss of deep tendon reflexes
Truncal and limb ataxia
Muscle weakness,
Slow growth in children.
Vitamin F Deficiency
slow to heal
bruise easily
dull hair and dry eyes
eczema or dry skin.
Behavioral disturbances
Immune system impaired.
Vitamin K deficiency
Easily bruised or to bleed easily, such as from a wound, the nose or stomach or intestine, causing blood to be vomited or appear in the stool or urine
blood takes longer to clot than normal
osteoporosis or low bone mineral density; bones fracture easily.