de phunky » Dim 11 Aoû 2013 10:59
Merci Pti Gars
J'ai lu ton excellent ebook, les syntheses et beacoup beaucoup de sujets sur Melodie pour essayer de decider comment faire. Aussi les autres sites et forums en anglais, d'où ma confusion. Par exemple, en 2008 Andy Cutler a écrit le post ci-dessous sur les tests de provocation. En gros il dit que ça ne sert qu'à satisfaire les exigences administratives des compagnies d'assurance, et que en aucun cas ça peut indiquer la quantité de mercure dans le corps.Etant donné que il semble être le test le plus utilisé ici et en amerique, c'est pertubant. Qui croire ?
"Challenge tests do not tell you any more about body burden of mercury than an
unchelated 24 hour urine mercury collection does. This is extremely well
established in the literature for all numerate people. Since MD's as a rule
are NOT numerate, and do NOT analyze the data in the papers they read about
chelated and unchelated urine mercury production, they generally don't
accept this. Kind of like someone arguing with you that 2+2 = 5 because they
don't know how to add.
If the same "challenge tests" that are used as diagnostic of mercury
poisoning are applied to random people on the street who are healthy, most
of them show up as "toxic," too.
Lots of overtly mercury poisoned people who take the challenge tests do NOT
meet the published criteria for being toxic, but they are still as a rule
treated and get better from mercury detox.
It is really pitiful to read stuff in the literature such as the statement in
the paper on neurobehavioral impairment of dentists that says half the scores
correlate slightly better with unchallenged mercury output and half slightly
better with challenged mercury output and then have the authors not realize
that what they said is that challenged and unchallenged mercury output are
the same thing and statistical noise is controlling which fits better.
There are even some papers that poisoned rats different ways so as to get
different tissue distributions of mercury, and chelated them with DMSA and
DMPS and determined where the mercury came from in the chelated urine - 75%
from the kidneys with DMPS, about half with DMSA. The rest primarily from
the bloodstream. These are NOT the target organs in chronic mercury
intoxication so measuring what is in them isn't diagnostic.
The challenge test is a pseudoscientific procedure (which most of the
physicians using it do honestly believe in) to legitimize the diagnosis of
mercury tox to the patient, physician, and possibly insurance carrier. It
is a way to make things seem really technological and sophisticated because
people are uncomfortable making the diagnosis on the basis of a physical
examination and how the patient feels. The challenge test is a ritual to
legitimize the diagnosis after it has been made on other grounds.
Challenge tests that don't use timed urine samples are really silly since
they are strongly influenced by how much water reabsorption there is in the
kidney (your kidneys make about 125 quarts of pee a day, and then suck the
water back up so you pee out 1 or 2 or 3. If you drink a bunch you may
temporarily pee out urine at a rate of a quart per hour).
Timed challenge tests give results completely predictable from the chelation
formulae in my book and the unchelated urine mercury levels. Measure
unchelated mercury level. Multiply by appropriate fudge factor. Get
"challenge test" mercury level. No need for the challenge agent (or the risk
or expense of the challenge test).
Add to this that a very large number of doctor's offices mishandle the urine
samples so that inaccurate results are obtained from both challenged and
unchallenged samples (the creatinine level in the Doctor's Data report is
there so you can check this - it should be pretty much the same every time,
and you can calculate the number it should be from height).
The "challenge tests" actually came from experiments done with people who
worked in mercury using factories. These people had pre-chelator urine
samples taken and then post chelator urine samples taken. Both the
pre-chelator and post-chelator samples were vastly higher in mercury than is
considered diagnostic for mercury tox by "alternative" doctors, yet all
these people were quite healthy.
The important factors in mercury intoxication are how sensitive the
individual is, and how much is in their brain and internal organs. DMPS and
DMSA challenge tests do not measure either of these.
Have I belabored this enough?
Andy Cutler
PS since challenge tests are widely believed in, and even mentioned in some
of the most recent medical texts, they may be worthwhile if needed to
convince an insurance company or doctor that someone has mercury tox. But
the test really does NOT provide useful diagnostic information even if an
insurance company adjuster or physician is silly enough to think it does. I
suggest using challenge tests only when necessary to convince such people."