Intéractions entre compléments et médicaments

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Intéractions entre compléments et médicaments

Messagede un_ptit_gars » Dim 21 Juin 2015 09:30

Salut les amis,

J'ai trouvé un articles intéressant qui répertorient plusieurs interactions connues entre compléments et médicaments, je vous le fais donc partager car ça peut etre utile a pas mal de monde qui essayent de jongler entre médicaments et compléments.

Pti gars

Avoid Dangerous Interactions When Taking Supplements
By Suzy Cohen

We are better off getting our nutrients from healthy foods and beverages, but dietary supplements can fill a nutritional gap. It’s confusing to know when you should take certain nutrients, especially the minerals which can bind or “chelate” with a lot of different medications. It’s also difficult to time your supplements around meals and medications. 

Over the years, I’ve used my own vitamin list to help me remember when and how to take supplements.

I think it could help you, especially if you have to take a lot of different things. You can download my form for free at my website and fill in the blanks with your own supplements. This cheat sheet will help you stay on track. 

As a pharmacist, it’s kind of in my blood to ‘approach with caution’ and I don’t necessarily mean pharmaceuticals. Supplements (the high quality ones that really work) will act in your body exactly like a drug and the timing impacts efficacy. Before you embark on any supplement regimen, I suggest you ask a holistic-minded practitioner what is right for you with consideration to your allergies, your liver, kidney function and even genetic mutations.

By learning all you can about vitamins and minerals you can make better choices about dosages. There are times when I need to dump out 50 percent of one capsule to get a lower dose, and other times I will take more than what is typically recommended. We are all very unique. 

Today I will teach you more about timing your medications and supplements so you can optimize effect and minimize risk. Taking some medicines too late in the day will make you wide-eyed at 3am! Same for coffee and oh yes, one of my favorite brain stimulants, Yerba Mate tea. Reminds me when I drank that not too long ago. I was wide-eyed at 3am so after tweeting you, I posted something on Instagram (I should not be allowed to post after midnight) but anyway, I then went on YouTube bleary eyed to watch Maru my favorite cat, followed by the lip sync battle with Jimmy Fallon, Kevin Hart and Will Farrel. While epic, I would have preferred to be asleep. (I should go ahead an confess I crawled downstairs to wipe out left-over sushi, not an unusual thing… those rolls don’t stand a chance if I so much as roll over and think of them before the sun rises).

Interactions with minerals can defeat the purpose of taking medications. The most famous one is taking calcium or iron, or other minerals with tetracycline derived antibiotics. Taking B vitamins (folate) with epileptic drugs can be dangerous because you negate the effect of the medicine. Since there are thousands of medications and supplements, it’s impossible to cover them all, however I will now elaborate on the big categories. I’ve also created a “Vitamin List” which you can adapt and use for your own regimen. At the end of this article, you will see 2 media files you can click on, one is a Sample (an example of what it looks like when filled out), and the other says “Your Vitamin List” and that is the one you can print and use for yourself. You will see the links for these towards the bottom, in the meantime I want you to learn a little more about supplements and medicines, and WHEN to take them.

Medicines and supplements that are best taken in the MORNING: 

Thyroid medication
Modafinil (Provigil)
Stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Adderal)
Diuretics like HCTZ, furosemide, dandelion, berberine, neem, green tea
 and others
Osteoporosis drugs (Boniva, Fosamax, etc)
Curcumin can be taken anytime, however, since it raises brain neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin, I suggest it as a morning supplement.
Riboflavin supports adrenal, I think it’s ideally taken in the morning or lunch.

Medicines and supplements that are best taken WITH food:

Mineral supplements (iodine, magnesium, calcium, iron)
Vitamin A, D, E or K (fat-soluble vitamins) best with fatty foods
Anti-fungals like ketoconazole, itraconazole, nystatin
Probiotics, it’s just easier than trying to take them on an empty stomach (results are the same)
ThyroScript thyroid formula
Herbal supplements (generally speaking) these should be taken with food.

Medicines and supplements that are best taken at NIGHT: 

Ashwagandha (doesn’t have to be though, some people find that it causes drowsiness)
Goto kola (not a hard-fast rule, I’ve heard reports of this actually causing insomnia)
Muscle relaxers
Statin cholesterol reducers (atorvastatin, lovastatin, pravastatin, etc)
ACE inhibitors (like enalapril, fosinopril, captopril, lisinopril)
ARB class of blood pressure pills (candesartan, etc)

** Interactions ** Do NOT combine: 

Vitamin K or ginkgo with anticoagulants
Folate with methotrexate or phenytoin
Minerals or dairy foods with minocycline or doxycycline
^*^ Grapefruit or pomegranate foods/supplements with statins
Chocolate with Nardil (phenelzine)
Licorice extract with digoxin or HCTZ
HCTZ with vitamin D (raises calcium too much)
5-HTP with any antidepressant that raises serotonin (it may cause serotonin syndrome)
St John’s wort with any antidepressant (same reason as 5-HTP above)
Tyrosine with L-dopa drugs (Levodopa, Sinemet, etc) due to enhanced dopamine production
Magnesium with Neurontin (Gabapentin). The drug binds magnesium in the gut (maybe useful to reduce HIGH magnesium levels, but not good if you’re trying to maintain magnesium levels). Separate administration.
Magnesium with minocycline or doxycycline (any tetracycline). It chelates.
Antacids that contain “magnesium” or magnesium supplements should not be taken with glipizide and glyburide, it enhances effect of blood-sugar lowering drugs and may reduce blood sugar too fast. (Really, this interaction could occur with any blood-sugar lowering agent).

I realize chocolate is sort of like a major food group, however, I want you to really be aware it can be dangerous with MAO [monoamine oxidase] inhibitors that’s why it appears above in my list. If you must have your chocolate, please ask doc to change your medication because the interaction is real!

source: ... teraction/
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Re: Intéractions entre compléments et médicaments

Messagede marielle44 » Lun 22 Juin 2015 09:47

Merci Pti Gars, très utile. Je me posais justement des questions sur ce thème, sans avoir vraiment de réponse.

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