Pourquoi remonter la T° corporelle est plus que nécéssaire

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Re: Pourquoi remonter la T° corporelle est plus que nécéssai

Messagede un_ptit_gars » Lun 22 Avr 2013 12:20

Fibro34 a écrit:Oui d'accord avec toi ptit gars mais le biomat a quand meme un cout élevé, je mettais un peu d'humour dans notre quotidien difficile et surtout financier pour beaucoup d'entre nous qui ont du arreter de travailler suite a nos gros pbs de santé. Je ne remet aucunement en cause les bons effets du biomat, juste son prix peut etre pas abordable pour beaucoup d'entre nous. :/

Y a pas de soucis ne t'en fais pas! ;) Je ne disais pas ça méchamment non plus de mon coté, mais c'était juste pour faire la part des choses pour ceux qui auraient pris ton message au pied de la lettre ;)

Mais comme je ne possède pas d'actions chez la boite qui fabrique les biomat :D , je n'encourage d'ailleurs personne a en acheter un sur un coup de tête (surtout vu le prix...) ...ce genre de choix se fais de manière réfléchie et bien entendu si les finances sont vraiment propices a ce type d'achat (ce qui est assez rare dans nos situations... :( )


Pti gars
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Re: Pourquoi remonter la T° corporelle est plus que nécéssai

Messagede Fibro34 » Lun 22 Avr 2013 20:02

Pas de soucis Ptit gars, j'ai omis de dire dans ma présentation que j'ai beaucoup d'humour malgrè un etat de santé pitoyable! Je ferais donc plus attention a ma formulation des choses :hello:

Intoxiqué chevronné
Intoxiqué chevronné
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Re: Pourquoi remonter la T° corporelle est plus que nécéssai

Messagede un_ptit_gars » Jeu 2 Mai 2013 19:04

Message de kate

Je reste néanmoins persuadée que la clé de beaucoup de problèmes est l'hypométabolisme : mauvais fonctionnement des hormones thyroidiennes, manque de cortisol et/ou d'adrénaline.
Pour moi il est clair que retrouver au moins un eumétabolisme est la condition sinequanone pour mobiliser les toxiques bien ancrés.
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Re: Pourquoi remonter la T° corporelle est plus que nécéssai

Messagede un_ptit_gars » Jeu 2 Mai 2013 19:04

kate a écrit:Je reste néanmoins persuadée que la clé de beaucoup de problèmes est l'hypométabolisme : mauvais fonctionnement des hormones thyroidiennes, manque de cortisol et/ou d'adrénaline.
Pour moi il est clair que retrouver au moins un eumétabolisme est la condition sinequanone pour mobiliser les toxiques bien ancrés.

Je suis parfaitement d'accord avec toi kate! Cela dis pour ma part je pense que le moyen le plus fiable de voir si l'on est en hypo/eu/hyper-métabolisme c'est de suivre sur plusieurs jours sa température et ses variations. Tant que lors des relevés oraux de T° on n'atteint pas tous les jours 37°, on est soit en hypo, soit en hypermétabolisme, et ce quel que soit la valeur des hormones thyroidiennes. Les enzymes fonctionnent parfaitement à cette température, et parfois bcp moins ne serait-ce qu'a 0,2 ou 0,3 degrés près. Il y a d'ailleurs de nombreuses façon de compenser ces températures trop basse, en mangeant chaud, se couvrant plus, ou en mangeant des aliments qui nous réchauffe le plus, mais on reste la dans le paliatif/compensatoire.

A ce sujet j'ai découvert il y a pas longtemps la théorie d'un chercheur étranger, qui parle de faire un "reset" des mécanismes de l'hypothalamus, car selon lui ces températures basses seraient majoritairement dues a une erreur dans le centre de régulation interne (CMCS - central metabolic control system). Selon ses théories, le corps baisserait volontairement la température a différents seuil, suite a un traumatisme physique violent (grosse maladie temporaire, famine, anesthésie générale, etc), car il interpréterait en quelquesorte le fait que l'ancienne température n'a pas permis d'éviter ce qui c'est passé et donc qu'il faut essayer de se caler a un autre niveau. Le fonctionnement se fera donc sur un palier en dessous, et ainsi dessuite tout au long de la vie, aboutissant a ce que bcp de personnes agé aient des températures corporelles souvent très basses, et donc un corps en hypofonctionnement très marqué.
J'ai commencé a lire tout cela et franchement je trouve ça intéréssant, il est pas impossible que je tente par la suite de faire un essai sur sa technique, qui grosso-modo vise a rééduquer le CMCS afin qu'il se recale sur la température du palier supérieur et qu'il la reconsidère comme étant "normale" et efficace. Si c'est réellement éfficace ça peut etre une clé vraiment intéréssante, car a 37°, le corps fonctionne autrement mieux, ça c'est sur...

Voila son site et un autre d'une personne qui retrace son expérience avec cette technique:



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Re: Pourquoi remonter la T° corporelle est plus que nécéssai

Messagede Danielae » Mar 11 Juin 2013 12:25

C'est vraiment très intéressant après je n'ai jamais lu ce type de message informatif avant Merci de nous avoir fourni de telles informations à propos Pourquoi élever la température du corps est plus que nécessaire? J'espère que vous allez mettre à jour nous Froms ce type de sujet intéressant et d'information dans futur.
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Bébé melodien
Bébé melodien
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Re: Pourquoi remonter la T° corporelle est plus que nécéssai

Messagede un_ptit_gars » Mer 12 Juin 2013 11:16

Danielae a écrit:C'est vraiment très intéressant après je n'ai jamais lu ce type de message informatif avant Merci de nous avoir fourni de telles informations à propos Pourquoi élever la température du corps est plus que nécessaire? J'espère que vous allez mettre à jour nous Froms ce type de sujet intéressant et d'information dans futur.

Bonjour Danielae,

Bienvenue sur le forum Mélodie!

Si j'ai bien compris, tu es américain?
Si tu as des questions plus précises sur ce qui t'intérésse dans ce sujet, n'hésite pas demander, on essayera de t'aider!


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Re: Pourquoi remonter la T° corporelle est plus que nécéssai

Messagede nemo » Ven 12 Juil 2013 23:12

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Intoxiqué chevronné
Intoxiqué chevronné
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Inscription: Dim 16 Juin 2013 21:49

Re: Pourquoi remonter la T° corporelle est plus que nécéssai

Messagede un_ptit_gars » Mer 15 Jan 2014 12:12

D'autres infos très intéréssantes sur l'impact énorme de la température sur notre métabolisme (et donc notre capacité a se détoxifier, a réfléchir, a avoir une bonne immunité, a aboslument TOUT dans l'organisme...)

Pti gars

A body will only shiver when body temperature is below the "thermostat set point" of that body. A low set point will give a false appearance of higher tolerance to cold, as well as an increased intolerance to heat.


Comments, observations, and strategies culled from various posts, correspondence, and web sites.


Body temperature below 98.2, (36.8C) may cause various maladies due to a slowing of enzymatic processes. (Effects, below.)
Feeling cold is not the same as being cold.
Simply putting on warmer clothing, though sometimes helpful, is not enough. (See Raise, below)
Some forms may be hereditary, other forms from stress, oppression, enforced inactivity, etc.
See Wilson's Syndrome, Symptoms.
Measurements need to be done with some care. See Measure, below.
Some forms may be cured without drugs or thyroid supplements.
See also Broda Barnes and Lawrence Galton, "Hypothyroidism, the Unsuspected Illness", Printed in 1976, ISBN 0-690-01029-X for an earlier reference.

A Subjective Temperature Scale

Serious damage, death likely if sustained. 107+ degrees.
Protein denaturation and other damage. Approx 105+ degrees. (40.5 C)
Feverish stupor 103+ (39.4 C) temperature range.
Feverish mental decline begins, probable 99.0, (37.2C) clinical fever.
Feverish activity. Mania.
Some enzymes "too loose" for efficient reaction kinetics.
Breadth of activity! Too many things, too many ideas at once.
High End of Normal Range
Activity, Involvement, Community, Buoyant Optimism and Energy!
Activity for the sake of enjoyment. Optimism. Probable 98.6 (varies with subject.)
Activity for the sake of activity.
Minor allergies may begin to show themselves
Thought wins over emotion and activity. Diplomacy.
Depth of thought, Lucidity, Eloquence! (vs action.)
Willingness to think deeply, at length. Insight, a growing trace of genius.
Low End of Normal Range, approx 98.2 F (36.77 C) though some say 97.6 is their peak mental performance
Some enzymes become "too tight" for efficient reaction kinetics; mild allergies and chemical sensitivities begin to be noticed on occasion.
Probable 98.0, (36.66 C,) varies considerably with subject.
Allergies, especially chemical allergies, slowly grow more pronounced.
Feeling that "engaging" in thought or activity changes/lifts the body
Eloquence in expression begins to decline, mental horizons favor depth, not breadth.
Vulcan logic begins a slow walk to center stage. Subhedonia.
Initiation of new activities begins to drop sharply.
Slightly glazed to the outside world.
Things begin to accumulate in corners and small piles.
Immune system slows and falters. Allergies and colds more common.
Persistence, dogged tenaciousness in pursuit of a purpose, a train of thought. (Oft mistaken for Genius.)
Vulcan logic begins a slow, and increasingly faltering meander away from center stage.
The sink sporadically fills, clean utensils become scarce despite the dishwasher.
Mental horizons begin to shrink. (Oft mistaken for Expert.)
Anhedonia, the interest in pleasure begins to evaporate.
Chemical Sensitivities become increasingly serious problems as enzymatic pathways slow and clog.
Procrastination of deeper thought for better times of day.
Cycles reveal themselves. Several naps, the daily norm.
Mental agility soon reveals it's slow and gradual decline to others.
The desk, the workbench, the coffee table all begin to congeal as piles grow.
Tenaciousness of opinion begins to win out over thought or logic.
Anti-hedonia, avoidance of pleasure, and sometimes excitement.
Stepping over things. The mess becomes "Convenience at hand".
Change becomes the mind's enemy; yet past genius oft remains potent ammunition in argument.
Drifting quietly, irrationally clinging to old ways, old memories, old angers.
Argument and anger for the heat of adrenaline. Bindging on sweets for energy.
Grasping for control of life.
"The Engine Sputters".
Temperature spikes and falls with excitement, anger.
On/Off behavior patterns, black and white views of the world.
Possible 96.0 - 95.0 (35.5 - 35.0 C) temperature range; varies with time, nutrition, sleep.
Urgent Medical Condition: HYPOTHERMIA
Erratic behaviors come to the fore.
Collisions with walls, objects create multiple black and blue marks on the arms.
Defensive postures, stark views of the world.
Depression and foreboding gain hold. Hopelessness. Adrift.
Passive acceptance, stark apathy.
Medical Emergency 92 F, 33.3 C
Possible risk of death during further nocturnal temperature drops.
Heart problems, Severe confusion, Amnesia, Stupor
Death: "heart failure", "natural causes", "unknown causes".

Other cognitive and behavioral effects may be related to the manifestation of allergies and low body temperature. Long term physiological consequences are listed on Dr. Cathcart's Wilson's Syndrome page.

Melatonin, Serotonin, and Moods

The brain adjusts its "focus" by adjusting metabolism via circulation. It uses Serotonin, which relaxes smooth muscles in blood vessel wall, thus dilating them; and cells that absorb, hold, and release Serotonin on demand to accomplish this. Hence, circulatory adjustments needed to maintain temperature may also affect thought processes; as may low levels of L-Tryptophan and Niacin, which the body uses to produce Serotonin and Melatonin.

Low Serotonin levels are commonly found in depression, hence the prescription of SSRI's in depression. Many of these SSRI's are also cytochrome P450 consumers, and can put some at risk for porphyria, which is common in people with multiple chemical sensitivities, and becomes worse as enzymatic processes slow due to low body temperature / chronic hypothermia.

Low body temperature is also often found in depression.

Low Melatonin levels are often found in those who have difficulty in sleeping, or who have sleep irregularities. Melatonin is suppressed by exposure to light, and may be delayed by nocturnal exposure bright lights, including light TV and CRT backgrounds.

Paradoxically, while L-Tryptophan and Melatonin appear to induce sleep via body temperature reduction, there is some evidence that the proper cyclical production of Melatonin and Serotonin may boost daytime body temperature. (Some say melatonin takes a few days to get use to. Take only before bedtime. Effective dosage varies markedly from person to person.)

Comments? Observations? Chat or mail them to Webmaster@mall-net.com
Know someone who could use a copy of this page? E-mail form.

Thermo - Regulation

Body Temperature = Metabolic Heat - Heat Losses

Sources of Metabolic Heat
Mitochondria (Metabolic energy, see CFIDS/CFS)
Brown Fat
Primary Controls
Thyroid [Refs]
Insulin -- hypoglycemia
Serotonin / Melatonin [ Refs, Sleep ]
Muscular Tension / Theta - Alpha - Beta brain waves
Gross motor activity
Limiting Factors
Fuel -- Food

Carbohydrates vs slower burning fuels (oils)
Fructose, not well regulated by Insulin (Fast but short energy. Worst sugar for cardiovascular systems.)


Breathing -- rate and depth
Circulation (+serotonin +niacin +nitroglycerine)
Carbon Monoxide leaks -- furnace, water heater, etc.

Heat Loss Factors

Hat (head is major loss)
Shoes and socks (contact)
Limbs (cold limbs raise adrenalin -- tension, may also raise cortisols and other stress indicators, diminishing short term memory and mental function.) Use jackets, not vests.
Body core

Ambient Temperature
Drafts and air circulation
Contact -- what you are sitting on
Surface vs deep circulation
Sweat (Many victims do not sweat.)
Lung Function

Breathing rate
Breathing depth
Evaporation in lungs (wet/dry breath)

Food (hot tea vs cold ice cream)

Core Temperature Raised By:

Molybdenum has helped some feeling warmer. (Metabolic catalyst)
Coenzyme Q-10 (Mitochondria support)
Antioxidants (See CFIDS/CFS)
Adequate amounts of sleep. Melatonin may help, both with the sleep, and with the pineal gland that controls body cycles.
Adequate amounts of water and mineral salts (not just sodium chloride) as found in leafy green vegetables.
Yogic Breathing -- four equally timed cycles:
Inhale fully: first with belly, then rib cage
Hold breath
Exhale: first with belly then with rib cage
Hold lungs empty
Some reliable sources report that several ten minute sessions per day restore body temperature to 98.6. After some time (weeks) their candida, etc. was cured. Again, may not work for all; but it costs nothing to try.
Being with optimistic people, people whom you know and care about you.
Aerobic Talking, buoyant, optimistic subjects, mind engaged.
Yakko-Therapy(tm), coming soon to a whoops page near you!
Sustained Laughter, best if about something good you did or lived through as it builds confidence.
See also:
Dr. Fun, Bernie DeKoven and his Me/We ideas.
Jest for the Health of it.
Cyberstory, uplifting stories on the net.
Aerobic Singing, but often the mind is not as fully engaged as in talking. Note how professional OPERA singers (E. G. Placebo Domingo,) work their entire bodies into resonance to produce their incredible voices. (Forget rock stars! They are on an adrenalin high and crash when it runs out.) Note the gesturing opera singers use to create the inner effects.
Physical activity, ten to fifteen minutes each day. Does not have to be sweat provoking, just moving. A good walk every evening after dinner use to be fairly common in parts of the country.
Alpha Lipoic Acid / Thioctic Acid has helped some raise body temperature. Comment made about using L-Lysine if cold sores appear, and adding molybdenum, niacin, Co Q-10, and choline
Red peppers, chili peppers, jallapinios and other hot foods can raise body temperature in many individuals. Some old wives tales relate to this as a cure for some chronic ailments.
Salycilates, anti-cholenergics, etc. Ref: Toxidromes
Wearing a hat may raise head, and thus brain, temperature...
Cyclical thyroid supplementation protocol (cytomel)
Repetitive sounds or blinking lights having a beat in the 6 to 9 beats per second range have helped some... It is the beat frequency that does it. You can build your own from Radio Shack parts. (Ref their 555 timer IC projects book.)
Drumming, or imagining oneself drumming, with a beat in the 6 to 9 beats per second range. Raising the beat frequency as one goes may help.
Some forms of Faith Healing. (Duration questionable.)
Spring festivals and feasts of most religions.
Thyroid Extracts, such as Armour Thyroid and Cytomel.
Salt and Vitamin C to combat microfilliary worms lymephotos.com has helped some.
See also Dangers of Glandular Extract Based Therapies
Truly Bizarre Methods: Curious note on eating rat and dog meat in China. (Ref. Wall Street Journal May 31, 1991, by way of alt.folklore.urban.) (Note: fever and heat may also be a symptom of some kinds of allergy/intolerance...)

The point is that one needs to rev up one's metabolic processes. That can be via both physiological, and psychological methods. Simply putting on warmer clothing is usually not enough, and in some cases may make things worse due to metabolic reductions the body may make in effort to maintain the low body temperature. This is what causes hot days to be so difficult for such people. And yet... if it is only the head temperature that is cycling, then perhaps putting on the old thinking cap, a warm loose fitting hat or cap, may be enough to raise brain temperature back to reasonable norms. Perhaps worth trying for some.

Comments? Techniques? Chat or Mail them to Webmaster@mall-net.com

Core Temperature Lowered By:

Hypoglycemia and "low fuel" levels
Reduced calorie diets (Thus "Longevity" diet may not work.)
Tension and Fear, esp. without obvious methods of resolution.
Inadequate protein, tyrosine, phenylalanine in the diet.
Carbon Monoxide, 5-20ppm, way below alarm levels
Oppressive environments
Abusive or disrespectful people
Some forms of chemical exposure
Soda pop and artificial sweetener "addict"
Beta blockers, Carbon Monoxide, Hypnotic drugs, Cholinergic drugs, sedatives, tranquilizers, many cardiovascular drugs, and ethanol can all lower body temperature. Ref: Toxidromes and US Office Consumer Affairs
Sleep disorders / lack of sleep can lower body temperature. Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome, and out of sync body temp. cycles.
Too much light in the evening, either from watching TV late or late netting with a white screen, can push Melatonin cycles off, resulting in too little Melatonin when you get to bed, and too much in the morning. this in turn affects body temperature cycles.
Candida Albecans and other yeasts produce hormone analogues which can suppress body temperature.
Almost all of Dr. Cathcart's EI/MCS and Candida patients have been found to have low body temperature.
Parasites [article]
Thyroid problems, T3/T4 conversion problems, either in the thyroid gland, or in the cells themselves.
See also Dangers of Glandular Extract Based Therapies
Mitochondria related problems, including Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Porphyria.

Comments? Causes? Chat or mail them to Webmaster@mall-net.com

Effects of Low Core Body Temperature

Some suggest efficiency/rate losses are 10 to 20% per degree F in enzymatic processes, including liver based detoxification pathways. Cytochrome P-450
Comments have been regarding cognitive and mood changes, (above) sometimes marked, as temperature changes cross thresholds as narrow as 0.2 degrees.
Not all enzymatic processes have the same optimal temperature...
Raising body temperature has reduced allergy / MCS problems, often cutting major symptom intensity in half, and eliminating minor allergy problems. Ref: Dr. Cathcart.
Porphyria, in that it can reduce heme production, may reduce body temperature in some cases. Since Cytochrome P-450 is involved in heme synthesis and may be redirected to handle detoxification, there may be some feedback interaction involving body temperature.
Reduced immune function, risk for parasites and microfilliary worms.


Body temperature measurements should be made 3, 6, and 9 hours after rising using a GLASS thermometer, then averaged. Ref: Dr. Wilson, "Wilson's Syndrome". (I measure it hourly for a few days.)
See Thermometers and Techniques
Body temperature seems to vary with time and activity. It is not supposed to be steady!
There is a day/night temperature cycle, with temperature rising notably as one is awakening. (Hence the difficulties in judging ovulation by the body temperature method.)
There are reports, both scientific and anecdotal, of shorter term temperature cycling.
Some report as much as half a degree, even a full degree of variation between repeated high temperatures and repeated low temperatures on a three to six minute cycle.
Glass thermometers deliver an averaged temperature
Electronic thermometers deliver a maximum temperature.
See Thermometers and Techniques
Maximum and Average temperature is likely to be different between glass and electronic thermometers EVEN IF both thermometers show identical temperatures in a calibration setup. (E. G. very slowly warmed water bath.)
Electronic in-ear IR (Infra Red) thermometers appear, in this writer's experience, to be difficult to get consistent temperatures from. Angle of insertion will vary, considerably varying the resulting readings. Readings did not correspond to oral temperatures, being at times over a degree higher, or over two degrees lower, than simultaneous oral measurements. Consecutive measurements taken immediately following each other have varied as much as three degrees. Thus in-ear IR thermometers appear unworkable for this purpose.
Cycles can be measured by using an electronic thermometer, and turning it off and on between readings without removing it from the mouth. That way, the physical sensor will remain at body temperature, but the maximum reading will be reset to the present body temperature when the thermometer is turned on.
Take readings every half minute: Read the electronic thermometer without moving it in the mouth, turn it off and on to reset the maximum, then read it again. (You may need to have another person take the readings.) Repeat till you get two clear and distinct peaks separated by a low. This gives you the peak, low, and cycle time for your Foods Feelings and Faculties Diary.
Some suggest that head (oral) temperature may vary from core body temperature. Wearing a hat might help if this is the case.
Particularly intersting are the reports of temperature differences between the sides of the head resulting in mood changes.

This author has had some success learning to raise body temperature by remembering the feeling of hot foods like red peppers. This is a form of biofeedback training anyone can try with an ordinary digital thermometer. Whether the temperature remains high for long is another matter; but it was a start at regaining control so warm social matters could be handled with warmth, and cool headed matters with the best analytical coolness. (This author, a systems analyst, favors self training to improve your ability to shift mental gears as needed. If that fail, then try the Wilson's cytomel approach.)

Comments? Observations? Chat or mail them to Webmaster@mall-net.com


Are Attention Deficit Disorder patients prone to abnormal high or low temperature?
Are Hyperactive children prone to abnormal high temperature?
The Fahrenheit scale was supposed to have 100 as normal body temperature. Has body temperature fallen since the 1700's?
It is said that mountain folks metabolize fat in preference to carbohydrates due to lower oxygen availability. How does this affect body temperature?
How does body temperature relate to average physical activity?
Do different body types and different character types have statistically significant differences in body temperature profiles?
Does race or education play a role? (Active vs thoughtful)
One in ten to one in seven are said to be strong leader types, does body temperature play a role?

If you would like to add _short_ observations to this list or links to other Wilson's / Hypothermia pages, contact Webmaster@mall-net.com, with "COLDBODY" in the subject line.

Longer discussions can be posted to the ColdBody Chat page. Yes, you get your own chat page! If two of you happen to be on at the same time, you can chat, or leave notes for others to look over and comment upon at their convenience.
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Messages: 11123
Inscription: Ven 23 Nov 2007 07:00
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Re: Pourquoi remonter la T° corporelle est plus que nécéssai

Messagede TITI713 » Mar 11 Mar 2014 21:35

Je rebondis sur le sujet car mon naturopathe m'a prescrit un traitement de compléments avec uniquement de l'eau chaude, jamais d'eau froide, c'est bon pour le foie et la température corporelle. Egalement bains de pieds dans de l'eau chaude et bains chauds. :hello:
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Intoxiqué chevronné
Intoxiqué chevronné
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Inscription: Ven 17 Juin 2011 17:30
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Re: Pourquoi remonter la T° corporelle est plus que nécéssai

Messagede un_ptit_gars » Dim 22 Fév 2015 12:12

Salut les amis,

Je remonte un peu ce sujet, car je vais bientot pouvoir tester un biomat :)
Je serais donc en mesure de vous en dire plus sur l'utilisation, les sensations et effets que je peux constater au fils des jours et semaines.

On en reparle dans quelques temps!

Pti gars
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Inscription: Ven 23 Nov 2007 07:00
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