Conférence internationale 2014: lyme et métaux lourds

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Conférence internationale 2014: lyme et métaux lourds

Messagede un_ptit_gars » Ven 13 Juin 2014 20:56

Hello les amis,

Voici la première conférence internationale des maladies environnementales de 2014, rapporté comme d'habitude par notre ami Scott ( Comme a l'accoutumée, c'est très riche, et très utile...
Certains diront qu'il y a "trop d'infos", que c'est décousu... mais pour ceux qui ont suffisamment avancés de leur coté, qui savent que tout ce que l'on peut donner ce sont de multiples pistes, montrer des portes, donner encore quelques nouvelles clés... alors ceux la trouveront surement dans ce type de conférence un vrai cadeau tellement il y a apprendre et recouper :)

Bonne lecture à tous :)

Pti gars

In May 2014, Dr. Klinghardt and the Klinghardt Academy hosted "Healing Lyme Without Antibiotics" in Bellevue, Washington. As always, one needs to be prepared for a weekend of information not unlike drinking from a fire hose. So much is shared and so many new connections with people are made. I've been to so many of these events that it feels like home; like a family reunion. Below is a summary of the speakers at the event and some of the key points that were made. I highly encourage people to contact the Klinghardt Academy to purchase the DVDs to learn all of the details of the event.

Specific protocols and dosages are not discussed below. If you have an interest in the information provided and you or your doctor want further details, please contact the Klinghardt Academy to purchase the DVDs or binders from the event.

Disclaimer: Nothing in this text is intended to serve as medical advice. All medical decisions should be made only with the guidance of your own personal medical authority. This information was taken as notes during the conference and may not represent the exact statements of the speakers. Errors and/or omissions may be present. If you have any corrections to the content listed below, please Contact Me.

Note: As this information may be updated as any errors are found, I kindly request that you link to this single source of information rather than copying the content below. If any updates or corrections are made, this will help to ensure that anyone reading this is getting the most current and accurate information.

Resources: To learn more about some of the options discussed at this event, you may find the following resources helpful:

Klinghardt Academy
Klinghardt Academy Product and DVD Orders
EMF Measuring and Mitigation Options

Andreanna Rainville RN did a refresher prior to the core seminar. Some of the takeaways from her talk included:

Toxins are one of the most overlooked areas that have an amazing effect on children. Detoxification strategies are important considerations.
Andreanna recommended the book "The ADHD and Autism Nutritional Supplement Handbook" by Dana Laake.
One can focus on tuning neurotransmitters, but it is often better to ask why they are thrown off in the first place. It is often more beneficial to look at the health of the gut in terms of the impact on neurotransmitters.
When wheat is an issue, think father; dairy, think mother.
Likes GI Infusions parasite protocol from Kauai Herbals. They have a nice seed blend of papaya and cumin.

Dietrich Klinghardt MD PhD started the core event and shared the following:

He held his first Lyme workshop in 1996.
When things don't seem to be working, he doesn't do more. He looks for something else or a different approach.
He gets his information from caring for patients, patient experiences, connection or inspiration, and reading.
If someone recovers with antibiotic treatment, you have no idea what you actually treated.
All illnesses of brain deterioration are on the rise.
Lyme, CT is downwind of Plum Island; most severe form of the disease may be man-made. In Washington and Germany, there are milder forms of the illness than in CT.
Only Lyme disease and AIDS invade the same immune cells that are supposed to kill them.
This is not a tick disorder as many other insect vectors carry Borrelia such as fleas and mosquitoes. In some areas, 60% of mosquitoes have Borrelia spirochetes. In the United States, the "endemic area" for Lyme is the entire continental United States.
Blood transfusions, sexual contact, unpasteurized milk, trans-placental transmission, breast feeding, and food are all potential sources of infection.
Judith Miklossy's work shows that Alzheimer's is associated with spirochetal infection.
90% of people with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome are Lyme positive. The same is true of Fibromyalgia. Borrelia is found in most with ALS and MS as well.
Sarcoidosis, which often has a Lyme component, may be helped with the Marshall Protocol, but it is not recommended for someone with Lyme disease without a sarcoid presentation. Long-term vitamin D exposure can lead to other health problems; including cancers.
Many with arthritis have Lyme, but only 24% with Lyme have arthritis.
It is not the Lyme bugs that harm the patients; it is the immune response to the bugs.
Heart rate should be around 60 beats per minute ideally. In modern times, this has risen. High 60s now is good. If it is over 70, Lyme may be suspected.
Microbes cross the placenta and induce epigenetic changes in the fetus.
Genes are not the full story. It takes 25,000 years for a single gene to change. Epigenetic regulation of a gene takes a second.
75% of people have no EM rash. When an EM rash is visible, this may be the "second strike" and not the initial exposure to the pathogen.
The onset of severe Lyme is usually a traumatic event that was the last straw to break the camel's back.
Viruses are often secondary to the breakdown of the system. HHV-8 common in MS. Coxsackie can impact the heart.
Universities think that the deepest factor in illness is the viruses; it is the parasites.
The genome of protozoa is longer than bacteria; protozoa are very common.
With dental issues and jawbone cavitations, think Bartonella. There is no ALS without Bartonella. When the most severe Lyme presents, think Bartonella.
Shared the story of how Napoleon lost 95% of his men to Trench Fever (Bartonella) vs. Korsokov who had his men make homeopathic auto-nosode from urine and lost only 5%.
Dr. Klinghardt pondered the question around why some people are sick and others with similar issues are fine. He mentioned that microbes grow in contaminated terrain and that toxicity could be a reason that we are more affected by microbes today than in the past. He noted that it could also be that spirochetes block the detoxification system. In actual practice, his observation has been that both of these are likely to be true. The microbes need the toxic terrain so they downregulate the body's detoxification systems in order to create a better environment for their survival.
He suggested that it is an appeal to common sense to understand that genes do not explain the exponential rise in illnesses that we are seeing. If an illness rises exponentially from 2000-2014 but a gene takes 25,000 years to mutate, how can that explain the sudden rise? It cannot. Optimizing the genetics can be helpful, but cannot serve as an explanation for the underlying condition itself.
Aluminum, strontium, barium, and titanium are found in the environment. Pathogens grow exponentially faster in the presence of aluminum. Detoxification of aluminum is absolutely essentially for recovery and wellness. The exponential growth of Lyme disease directly parallels our increasing body burden of aluminum.
When it comes to mitochondrial illness, many people look at B vitamins, carnitine, and similar options. None of them look at toxins in the mitochondria such as glyphosate and aluminum.
Genetically-modified corn creates its own insecticide which combined with the bowel bacteria in our system and continues to produce pesticides inside of us.
When you give antibiotics, you may be reducing the microbes in us that are producing pesticides. Probiotic supplementation can go either way. If they turn on the growth of mutated bowel bugs in you, the result may be more pesticides. Some need to work antimicrobial programs to tame the good as well as the bad.

Paul Anderson ND spoke on Methylation Genomics and also on IV Artesunate.

Some people do well to consider HBOT after cavitation procedures to improve the results of the procedure.
Methylation touches every aspect of human health.
In some cases, with methylation treatment, people become much worse. You have to "give love" to the entire cycle and not just one part of it.
With methylation protocols, it can take 6 months to 3 years to feel the full difference for those that have been sick for several decades.
As you speed up the process, the bad parts also work faster and become more obvious.
Monitoring homocysteine can be helpful in seeing what CBS is doing if it starts to rise. Don't want to inflame the person. May need to support CBS.
High dose B5 can help to reduce histamine. Histamine is involved in focus, agitation, irritation. Sleep problems can be histamine-mediated.
Taking nutrients orally can lead to problems when gut issues exist; parenteral therapy may be a better option for some.
If you take too much glutathione and feel itchy, molybdenum may be helpful. Can be a reaction to sulfur.
Magnesium, P5P, zinc, copper, Vitamin C are common co-factors that often fix a lot.
Folic acid is not helpful in humans. Folinic acid (Leucovorin) was the most active until recently when 5-MTHF pre-methylated options became available.
Artesunate works quite well when injected. It is an important agent, and is synergistic with high dose vitamin C. It kills anaerobes.
It may be helpful for intracellular organisms, viruses, and some cancers.
Once you have human herpesviruses, they are often all present. The more you get exposed to, the more they impact you. They grow and replicate with trauma and stress. They cannot be killed entirely. Herpes viruses often respond to Acyclovir; though CMV does not.
With patients with chronic infections, you have to go very slow; even slower than with cancer patients.
It is well-researched and very safe.
Dr. Klinghardt mentioned that liposomal artemisinin has been a great option, but doesn't taste good. IV artesunate may be a helpful option for intestinal parasites, protozoa, FL1953, amoeba, Giardia, anaerobes, Clostridia, H. Pylori, and more. Nexus suppositories from BioPure are more helpful for the liver than the rest of the body. Because the immune system is often suppressed with Lyme, Lyme patients often have parasites. Dr. Klinghardt initially underestimated how much all of us are affected by parasites.
Dr. Klinghardt suggested that one reason that we may need methylation cofactors and that our genes are not working is that the nutrients are being eaten by parasites. The first step in Lyme treatment is the radical elimination of parasites. It is important to get the parasites out whole as they store large amounts of toxins internally. Removing a whole parasite is one of the most effective detoxification options.

Alex Volinsky PhD spoke on the "Rope Worm".

Alex had obesity, chronic tonsillitis, allergies, neurodermitis, scoliosis, pain in the knees, back pain, bruxism, and chronic fatigue.
He has used a lot of water fasting and a zapper. He once used a zapper in a sauna and got burned.
In asking the question as to whether the rope worm is a parasite or part of normal human physiology, he asked whether we wanted it to be a bad guy or a good guy.
He talked about "pendulums" as the groups of people thinking in the same direction and noted that he is the leader of the rope worm pendulum.
Running after symptoms without understanding the cause is a dead-end approach.
He has made homeopathics from the rope worms for his own use.
He mentioned that the top causes of death are atherosclerosis, cancer, diabetes, and chronic infectious disease and that all of these can be largely eliminated by water fasting and changing the lifestyle including diet, exercise, and positive thinking.
There is a connection with the moon cycle.
He tried to submit papers to several peer-reviewed journals, but these were rejected as there was no proof it was a parasite.
Has had contact with 160 people by email from people struggling with rope worms, autism, Lyme, and Morgellons.
For preservation, rope worms are best stored in vodka or ethanol in the fridge.
Gubarev wrote a book called Helminthes: Known And... Unknown in 2009.
What is the rope worm? Is it from the MALT (mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue) and coming from the gut, thyroid, breast, lung, salivary glands, eye, and skin? Is it a parasite? Is it part of the human microbiome (including the immune system)?
It does release bubbles through microchannels in order to move itself.
Fecal stones have sesame seed looking spots that may be the origin of the rope worm.
Volinsky tried chlorine dioxide but did not feel much though eventually started to cough up slime from the throat and nose.
There is some research being done in forensics to look at dead people and compare the DNA of the rope worm to the human intestine.
The DNA sequences thus far have found human genes, seed bug (Cymonius notabilis), and insect, plant, and bacterial DNA. Out of 15 million reads, only 10% matches anything known today. Bacillus fragilis and Bacillus xylanisolvens were identified.
The number of species living in the human body is 10 times more than the total number of cells.
Rope worms are subject to autolysis (meaning they break down when they leave the body via self-digestion; this is a reason that it is generally difficult to get positive parasite tests).
His favorite health options are water fasting, liver flushes, nosodes, upper-cervical adjustment, raw/vegan diet, hydrogen peroxide, chlorine dioxide, daily exercise, diatomaceous earth, zappers, and structured water.
He wants to explore sodium thiosulfate, niacin with sauna flush, lucid dreaming, and blood apheresis.
For enemas, he likes the Implant O'Rama (
One has to be careful with rope worm treatment as they can cause bleeding in the GI system when they exit; dead water is used to stop the bleeding.
There is now a patent filed in Russia for treatment with both a drink and an enema.
Morgellons is micro-myiasis.
Rope worms are associated with Lyme, autism, and Morgellons.
Mucoid worm-like aggregates with unidentified origin at this time.
As for what the "rope worm" actually is, no one knows at this time. However, Volinsky is working to do additional DNA sequencing projects once funds are available.

Dr. Klinghardt MD PhD spoke on Friday evening and shared many of his thoughts late into the evening. These included:

Treating parasites in many different ways leads to the rope parasite coming out. He calls it the rope parasite rather than the rope worm as it is still not clear exactly what "the creature" is. When these start coming out, Lyme patients improve and feel better. Some people need to do enemas several times per week for 18 months and then they see parasites.
Most of the rope parasite is in the small intestine.
Clinical symptoms with Lyme is much closer linked to rope parasites than anything else.
Most recovered, asymptomatic Lyme patients still test highly positive for Lyme on the Western Blot, LTT, and culture test. Lyme may be the underlying cause of the illness, but it is not the cause of the symptoms. The symptoms are caused by other issues.
The rope parasite is likely a biofilm community of different organisms that live together in a meaningful way. Biofilm communities determine how many members are allowed into them. The "rope worm" is not falling into the classic definition of a parasite but more of a biofilm. Every patient sees something come out when they do the treatments long enough.
Someone asked about hemorrhoids with the use of enemas. The enemas do not seem to cause these, but you might find you have them. Apple cider vinegar sitz bath or vitamin E suppositories may be helpful. BioPure Deep Purple may be helpful for people with dysfunction of the venous system. Microbes are often present in the venous wall. The pathology between CCSVI and hemorrhoids is often similar.
Butyric acid can be used orally and as an enema. Probiotic enemas with Bifidus may be helpful.
It is best not to use chlorine dioxide longer than 3-6 months. Gubarev protocols are generally done once per week.
There is no reliable lab for parasites. Dr. Klinghardt has never had a patient with a positive Western Blot for Lyme that did not have parasites.
Raw food diets are a major reason people have parasites. In one study of salad bars in New York, almost all of them had parasite eggs.
Cats often have Toxoplasmosis and Bartonella. Was it really worth one purr on your belly? Cats are an infestation and generally not conducive to healing.
Mimosa pudica may be helpful for Strongyloides.
For lung worm, various approaches include inhalation of ETOH, iodine, or ASEA have been helpful. The lung worm does not generally create significant symptoms but leads to chronically low oxygen in the blood. This leads to the growth of anaerobic microbes. Biltricide may be helpful. Underwashed vegetables including cilantro and parsley are sources of lung worm.
We feed parasites and they extract toxins from us. Lead levels in the host and a parasite were compared and found to be 106 times higher in the parasite; cadmium 119 times higher.
The rope parasite may be an adaptive mechanism to survive the time we are in.
Aluminum fosters the growth of microbial pathogens and parasites. Aluminum is probably the main cause of parasites and Lyme disease.
A rope parasite was shown to have 228 times more aluminum than the host; 72 times more lead; 62 times more zinc, and 94 times more magnesium.
The rope parasite may be an adaptation in how the body responds to heavy metals.
Treatment includes: 1) Stopping foods, behaviors, and supplements such as B vitamins that feed the parasites, 2) Heavy metal detoxification and mineral replacement, 3) Enema and/or Suppository protocols regularly for 18 months, and 4) Repeated oral anti-helminthics. Some of the oral options include liposomal artemisinin, Curcusyn (curcumin and ginger), Mimosa pudica, Chaga, freeze-dried garlic, Albenza, Ivermetctin, Alinia, and others. Ginger is a great anti-parasitic and covers things with no other RX options.
Chaga is great for Bartonella, Borrelia, Mycoplasma, and parasites. American Chaga is a different fungus from the Siberian Chaga. Chaga has to be started with a sprinkle and slowing increased. It is the most powerful single compound for Lyme in the past few years.
Freeze dried garlic is a good option for H. Pylori, Bartonella, Clostridia, molds, fungi, HHV-6, and even HIV. Allicin has a half-life of 10 days. Freeze dried garlic continues to work as it has all of the compounds in it.
Aluminum is necessary for the Lyme bugs to penetrate the blood-brain barrier. We need to look at sources of aluminum but also need to work a detoxification program. Getting worms out whole via rectal anti-parasitic treatments is an excellent way to detoxify.
Parasites do not like pulsed fields such as PEMF. They decrease the parasites ability to replicate.
There is a set of patented Gubarev enema protocols. Those are not discussed here but information can be found on them elsewhere.
Chronic illness has been linked with the count of anaerobic organisms. The fewer of these you have, the healthier one will generally be. Ozone works better than oxygen. Chlorine dioxide was a breakthrough to decrease anaerobes.
When parasites are metal-enriched, they cannot be eliminated by the immune system.
TNF-a, TGF-b, IL-6, hs-CRP all go up with parasites.
People develop nutritional deficiencies, conversion of testosterone and estrogen to cancer-causing estrones, and numerous lab abnormalities.
People often behave like parasites and feel and think oddly.
Parasite treatment requires work from both ends and radical toxin elimination.
With treatment, cholesterol goes down, insulin resistance goes down, and hormones balance. People improve when getting out the rope parasite.
Lyme, co-infections, mold, auto-immunity, food allergies, CFIDS, MCS, colon/liver/pancreatic cancers are all CONSEQUENCES of parasites; not the cause of the illness.
Initially assume that every illness you see is caused by parasites.

At the start of day two, there was some discussion with Dr. Klinghardt followed by some additional comments from Alex Volinsky.

Dr. Klinghardt commented that the average meal leads to about 6 ounces of hydrochloric acid being produced and that pills are not adequate. It is best to take an herbal bitter with Gentian.
Someone suggested dark chocolate. Dr. Klinghardt commented that chocolate has a dark side and that parasite eggs can be found in chocolate. Some parasite eggs can be heated to 600C or put in HCl and they still hatch; eggs are indestructible.
Alex Volinsky mentioned that they are exploring doing a drink in addition to the enema to avoid parasite traveling upwards.
Some of the enemas are held for up to two hours which can be very difficult and some can only hold them for a few minutes.
Parasites smell milk but cannot smell the salt. The milk is the bait and the salt draws the water out of the parasites and they die.
Living Lyme spirochetes have been found in raw milk and cows are largely infected with Lyme.
For purposes of the Gubarev protocols, the worse the quality of the milk, the better it is as a treatment.
One practitioner mentioned that it is best to do a cleansing enema before and after the Gubarev enemas.
There has been some discussion about potential bleeding as the parasites exit the body. It is very important that these protocols are done with the support of a practitioner.
One practitioner mentioned that the inside of a banana peel applied overnight can be very helpful for hemorrhoids.
Alinia can be helpful for Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn's disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome. This can be followed by Gubarev and Chlorine Dioxide protocols. Ulcerative Colitis is a parasitic illness.
There are 400 species of bacteria in the gut with 20,000-40,000 subspecies. Some people have explored fecal transplants as a way to repopulate the GI tract with varied flora. Alex mentioned that there are bowel nosodes from Dr. Bach such as PCHF Bowel Pathogen Nosode that may be helpful.
Rope worms tend to migrate upwards and this can lead to discharge in the nose and throat which often starts while holding the enema.
Gubarev enema protocols may be the beginning of treatment for Lyme disease and all chronic illnesses.

Dr. Klinghardt continued the day by sharing:

90% of people that are positive on the Lyme LTT do not have symptoms; only 10% are symptomatic.
You have to change the ground on which the Lyme grows and then address the Lyme at the end. Antibiotics become the air gun at the end rather than the nuclear bomb at the beginning.
England has the highest incidence of autism with 1:28 boys as compared to 1:35 in the United States.
Flu vaccines have just enough mercury to synergize aluminum.
All of us are mineral depleted and mineral deficiency may be a precondition for illness.
Anything neurological is increasing exponentially; cancer is increasing linearly.
Accelerator of the deterioration of the human condition is associated with environmental toxins, EMFs, microbial infections and parasites, and exposure to inhaled nano-particles.
We are ill as a result of epigenetic influences resulting from wars, starvation, poverty, struggle, polluting the body, and other traumata in the family including in the family history.
In one study, rat babies were stressed. They were later loved. The children of the rats developed the same depression and anxiety. The genes were not changed, but the epigenetics were. It is the epigenetic dysregulation of the genes that lead to the difficulty.
The difference between a symptomatic and asymptomatic person with Lyme could be the trauma of a grandparent or similar abuse.
Genes get inactivated by methylating them. You want viruses to be methylated.
Emotional stress in the womb leads to eipigenetic changes and psychiatric illnesses in adulthood.
Chemicals decrease fertility and these changes are passed to the offspring generation after generation.
In most with chronic Lyme, the blood is thick; Boluoke or Nattokinase may be helpful.
80% of stress in the womb is related to wireless and cordless phones.
The majority of methylation supplement issues resolve once parasites are treated.
BioPure has a supplemented called Core that has 2 types of B6, molybdenum (sulfation), taurine (by giving some, the body does not need to make it and instead can make glutathione), magnesium, and zinc.
You cannot treat the epigenetics without first treating the parasites. B vitamins feed parasites.
You don't find parasites without finding heavy metals; and vice versa.
Some of the key nutrients in support of methylation include glycine, copper, HCl, B1, B2, B5 (methylation and adrenals), methylated folic acid, hydroxy-B12, and niacin.
When one is deficient in hydrochloric acid, they are also amino acid and mineral deficient.
A question was asked about reinfection after parasite treatment. Dr. Klinghardt responded that we can tame the zoo, but reinfection is the wrong question as the main source of reinfection is from the remaining parasite eggs in our own body. We need to live a lifelong spice-based protocol with ginger, garlic, and turmeric. We also need to fortify our hydrochloric acid barrier; herbal bitters are the best approach.

Dr. Christine Schaffner spoke on Glyphosate.

According to some, glyphosate should not impact humans as we do not have a Shikimate pathway which is its mechanism of action. Unfortunately, the bacteria in our gut do have this pathway.
Glyphosate chelates calcium, cobalt, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, nickel, and zinc. GMO foods do not have these minerals in a bioavailable form. According to Dr. Don Huber, you may have the mineral, but if it is chelated with glyphosate, it is not available to you.
Huber further suggests that when you take the good bacteria out, bad bacteria then fill that void because there aren't any voids in nature.
A tenth of a part per million is all it takes to kill your Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, and Enterococcos faecallis. The acceptable daily intake is 400 times higher.
There have been sharp increases in GMO ready corn, soy, cotton, and canola.
Lyme disease grows fantastically under the influence of glyphosate while the beneficial organism are reduced.
The epitome of Lyme could be entirely related to glyphosate.
It is linked with autism, allergies, cancer, Parkinson's, MS, infertility, cardiovascular disease, GI disease, obesity, depression, Alzheimer's, and kidney failure.
Stephanie Seneff has suggested glyphosate as a cause of autism.
Impacts the cytochrome P450 system that is involved in the detoxification of environmental toxins. Also impacts vitamin D, cholesterol, sex hormones, and bile acid production.
Gut bacteria attempt to get rid of glyphosate by producing ammonia which can lead to brain inflammation. Zeolites such as BioPure ZeoBind may be one of the best options for reducing ammonia.
Animals fed glyphosate-treated crops lead to contaminated food sources.
Glyphosate cannot be washed off.
There is a lab that can detect glyphosate in water or urine.
Glyphosate has been found in urine, breast milk, and drinking water.
Best options are to avoid GMO foods and to replete minerals and amino acids. Besides incorporating minerals mentioned earlier, tyrosine, tryptophan, 5-HTP, melatonin, and increasing sulfur may be helpful. D3 may help support the cytochrome P450 enzymes.
Detoxification may be approached with neural therapy, liver and gallbladder flushes, colonics, coffee enemas, castor oil, sweating and Epsom salt baths.
A gene called PON1 is involved in organophosphate pesticide detoxification.
Additional approaches for detoxification include Unique E, BioPure Rosehips, BioPure Deep Purple, Selenium Synergy, glycine, MSM, BioPure Curcusyn, liposomal glutathione, and NAC.
Glyphosate could be a common denominator in the rise of chronic illness.

Bette Lamont MA spoke on Neurological Reorganization. She specializes in working with children with neurodevelopmental challenges. She can be reached at

Dr. Garth Nicolson spoke on Mycoplasma and NT Factor and shared the following:

Mitochondrial function goes down to 40-60% in people with chronic infections.
Intracellular infection stimulate reactive oxygen species (ROS).
Mycoplasma is seen in 50% with CFS, 40% with Gulf War Syndrome, 60% with Fibromyalgia, 45% with Rheumatoid Arthritis, 65% with Lyme, and 90% with ALS.
ALS is a progressive, fatal degeneration of motor neurons.
In ALS, Echo 7 Enterovirus and Mycoplasma are common; other infections are less relevant.
In MS patients, >50% have Mycoplasma, >35% Borrelia, and >30% HHV-6.
Multiple infections are seen in almost all of the neurodegenerative diseases. The ones that go downhill the fastest have chronic infections.
Transmission from Gulf War Syndrome patients took 6 months to 2 years for family members to start to exhibit symptoms.
Mycoplasma fermentans is almost universal in GWS veterans with ALS (>90%).
Veterans received multiple military vaccines. Were given over 3 days; they were spread out to 18 months for the second Gulf War. Military vaccines were tested in the Texas prison system.
Most common Mycoplasma in CFS in the United States is Mycoplasma pneumoniae; in Europe, Mycoplasma hominis.
>50% of people with PANDAS have Mycoplasma.
Ticks have a prevalence of 25-70% for Mycoplasma; 18-40% for Borrelia, 10-50% for Ehrlichia, 40-70% for Bartonella, and 8-20% for Babesia. Ticks are bags of infection.
In patients with Lyme, the most common is Mycoplasma fermentans at about 50%.
CoQ-10 and Alpha Lipoic acid can support mitochondrial function.
NT Factor is much higher quality than lecithin which is oxidized lipids. Need high quality phospholipids.
In Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, mitochondrial function and ATP production are reduced by about 50%.
There is a 35-40% average fatigue reduction in chronic fatigue and aging fatigue with NT Factor.
Did a trial with ATP Fuel and CFS patients and had a 30% improvement. Chronic Lyme patients had a similar improvement relative to fatigue.
Chronically ill patients need lipid replacement therapy.
Dr. Klinghardt suggested that the NT Factor EnergyLipids powder from Allergy Research can be a nice option for the Klinghardt Cocktail.
For Mycoplasma testing, Dr. Nicolson suggested that the quality at MDL seems to have gone down; same with VIP. Clongen seems to be ok.
The best way to avoid getting Mycoplasma is to be healthy in general.
Treatment is often 200mg daily Doxycycline for 6-12 months or more.

Dr. Katie Dahlgren gave a lecture on Quintessence and shared:

Quintessence is an herbal blend of Andrographis, Japanese Knotweed, Smilax, Red Root, and Stephania.
Andrographis is known to cross the blood-brain barrier. It is anti-parasitic and can help to reduce colon inflammation. It helps with periodontal disease.
Japanese Knotweed is an immune modulator, blocks MMP-1, MMP-3, MMP-9, enhances blood flow, crosses the blood-brain barrier, and is anti-inflammatory. MMPs allow Lyme to spread more rapidly through connective tissue.
Smilax is anti-spirochetal, immune modulatory, binds endotoxins, helps arthritis pain, is neuroprotective, reduces fatigue, and protects the liver.
Red Root helps with the lymphatic system, anti-inflammatory, spleen protective, mild anti-fungal, helps control heavy menstrual periods. Dr. Richard Lloyd mentioned that it also increases platelets.
Stephania is anti-inflammatory, immune modulator, protects the endothelium, reduces edema, protects the eyes, and is helpful in late-stage Lyme affecting the joints/nervous system/skin.
Stephania may be helpful in supporting the body against EMF-related stress.
BioPure Quintessence

Dr. Allison Hoffman spoke on Chaga and shared the following:

Chaga is a parasite to the birch tree.
It was used early on for TB. It has been used for ulcers and may be helpful for H. Pylori. It is anti-aging and anti-fatiguing as well as high in antioxidants and SOD.
Chaga could be incorporated into a liposomal form.
There is a new black Siberian Chaga coming from BioPure that appears promising.
They have used Host Defense Chaga in the past; though the dosing had to be pretty high.
It may enhance the immune system, break biofilms, help with the rope parasite, coinfections, Mycoplasma.
Easy addition to the Klinghardt Lyme Cocktail.
Varied and pulsed dosing generally works best.
Various sources energetically test very differently.
You don't need huge amounts; don't overdo it.
Different ways of introducing Chaga provide different benefits. Used in a CrockPot below 100 degrees for 24 hours provides different benefits than blending with the liposomal cocktail, putting in cold water, or putting in hot water. May be helpful to mix and match these various options.

Dr. Brooke Bodeen spoke on Cryptolepis and shared:

It has been used as a malaria treatment.
It can be anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and anti-plasmodial.
May have anti-cancer properties.
Can be considered as part of the Klinghardt Cocktail.
Herbalgram details on Cryptolepis:
May inhibit TNF-alpha, IL-6, IL-1b, nitric oxide, and PGE2.
May be helpful for Protomyxzoa.
BioPure Cryptolepis

Dr. Michele Grindstaff talked on Artemisinin and shared:

It is the core of many of their treatments and of the Klinghardt Cocktail.
It often emerges in areas where Lyme is prevalent.
May be anti-malarial, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal, and anti-parasitic including worms, schistosomes, and blood and liver flukes. May help to improve longevity.
May help to reduce Herxheimer reactions.
Appears to be helpful for Babesia and Borrelia.
Malaraial parasites seem to be developing resistance over time and thus it may not be ideal as a single therapy.
In addition to artemisinin, there are various forms such as oral, rectal, IM, or IV artesunate as well as oral, rectal, or IM artemether.
Dihydroartemisinin is the active metabolite of artemisinin.
Some practitioners have had good success with Coartem which is the artemether form.
Artemisinin appears to cross the blood-brain barrier.
It has a short half-life and thus generally requires multiple doses per day.
Need to be kept at 185 degrees or lower or the compounds can be destroyed.
When ferritin is low, one may need to explore Babesia and other parasites as a potential factor.
BioPure Artemisinin

As part of an ART demo and patient night, Dr. Klinghardt shared these pearls and additional information:

Ozonated essential oils can be very helpful. Known as rizols or O3 oils.
Believed to be taken up into the cells and nervous system.
Dr. Klinghardt initially underestimated the role of Candida in chronic illness. It is the only bug that secretes over 600 known biotoxins and can modulate every aspect of our system. Taming it with diet is not very successful. Ozonated essential oils can be highly effective against it.
Rizol or O3 oils give an oxidative burst inside the cells to kill intracellular infections.
On a flight from Moscow to New York, 60% contracted Mycoplasma. A 6 hour flight is the same exposure to radiation as a chest X-ray and increases the chances of leukemia three fold. When you fly above 45 latitude, this doubles the radiation exposure. Tocotrienols can be helpful.
Dr. Klinghardt mentioned ASEA, a redox signaling molecule, could be a huge solution and may be helpful for cancers. One lady at the event reported that she cured her own Lyme with ASEA.
When one has perioral pallor (pale skin around the mouth or a bleaching of tissues around the lips), this can be a sign that parasites may be an issue. It can look greenish pale. Ears are often red in people with parasites as well due to lymphocytosis.
When lymph nodes are enlarged, this is Bartonella until proven otherwise.
No one gets away with living with cats unpunished.
The thyroid is the first target organ of glyphosate.
Viruses are the most common intracellular infections. Babesia, Borrelia, Mycoplasma, and Ehrlichia can all be intracellular.
For Bartonella, Chaga is the first choice. Adding some cream into a chaga drink makes it mildly liposomal. Adding real sugar helps to transport the chaga to the CNS. Alcohol or sugar are agents that assist in transporting substances to the brain. Whip cream is often tolerated by those that don't tolerate milk.
One of the oral antiparasitics is a combination of ginger and curcumin from Biopure called Curcusyn.
Mimosa pudica can be helpful for threadworms, strongyloides, and neuro-regenation in cases of Alzheimer's.
Compact Fluorescent lights contain mercury and as a result may mobilize mercury within us.
Treatment order is from large to small: parasites, mold, protozoa, bacteria, viruses.
Almost never sees a patient without parasites.
It is the first time in human evolution that our bodies are filling up with environmental toxins. They are stored in the connective tissue and eventually impact the cells. Impacts the growing fetus.
In order to be healthy, we have to work a detox program, antimicrobial protocol, and antiparasitic protocol.
Suggested patients run their 23andme data through MTHFRSupport and then can also get additional insights by using ART to evaluate the supplements that might be suggested.

Dr. Klinghardt shared that a survey had been done on patients of Lyme doctor Dan Kinderlehrer and that those that had recovered had used some type of frequency-based treatment. You cannot ultimately heal without considering biophysics.

Dr. Richard Loyd is a well-known expert in frequency based options and shared:

The 11th harmonic can shatter microorganisms.
His web site is
All cancers are viral issues. Rife had 100% success in his time.
He shared that if you have certain devices with coils and cover them in a dam paper towel, toxins will migrate into the paper towel on the positive wire side and that you can actually see them changing the color of the towel.
He discussed how to make an inexpensive foot bath. They provide inexpensive kits for doing this for about 50 dollars.
Frequencies from Char Boehme at have been found to work very well.
He likes the F165 which can do three frequencies at the same time.
GB4000 is AC; 8 channels at once.
Half of all houses have enough mold to make people sick.
Phase 1 and Phase 2 liver detox do nothing for mold toxins.
Ozone, MMS, Detox Oil/Thieves can be helpful options for killing mold.
Cholestepure, Cholestyramine, Detox Foot Baths, and Foot Patches can be helpful.
Yahoo group:

The final lecture of the event was from Dr. Klinghardt sharing more of his amazing work with us:

If you do some things wrong with frequency, you often still get the patient better. A common denominator of successful recover was some kind of frequency therapy as part of a broader protocol.
The World Health Organization has suggested that WiFi and cordless phones may be carcinogenic. EMFs disrupt the immune function through stimulation of various allergic and inflammatory responses.
Cellular phones have genetic effects, can lead to cancer, behavioral problems, open the blood-brain barrier, allow calcium to enter the cell, have cardiovascular, hormone, and immune effects.
Switch off the fuses at night and get a sleep canopy. Dr. Klinghardt mentioned the canopies; information can be obtained from the Klinghardt Academy. The Klinghardt Academy has a number of EMF measuring and negating products. More info here.
Glyphosate manifests slowly over time as inflammation damages the cellular systems throughout the body.
When inflammation is present, consider EMFs and glyphosate.
US Biotek Environmental Panel can be helpful; may need to challenge with homeopathic urine therapy to get higher readings.
For detoxification, BioPure Deep Purple, BioPure Rosehips (glyphosate), Vitamin E, Glycine, Selenium, homeopathic urine, binders such as ZeoBind, Chlorella, and Microsilica.
ZeoBind may be helpful for petrochemicals, insecticides, pesticides. Microsilica may be helpful for aluminum and sulfhydryl metals. Microsilica with ZeoBind can be a useful pairing as zeolites may leave behind small amounts of aluminum which the Microsilica will help to remove.
Aluminum is not very toxic when orally absorbed alone. It has a devastating effect with mercury. There is no biological barrier to inhaled, environmental aluminum which can go directly into the brain. Detoxing aluminum eliminates inflammation and improve the brain and CNS. The increase in aluminum parallels the increase in the body burden of parasites.
Herpes Simplex 1, mercury, aluminum, and Borrelia are all found in Alzheimer's.
Dr. Klinghardt has never seen an MS patient without a heavy vaccine load in the history.
Dr. Klinghardt himself had significant deterioration in his own health after a vaccination for Hepatitis B and it took 30 years to recover.
Nano-aluminium, can elicit a pro-inflammatory response and destroy the blood-brain barrier, alter mitochondrial function, and led to illness.
One option to help support the removal of aluminum is to fill a glass bottle with horsetail tea from reverse osmosis water and add the juice of a fresh lemon. With doctor guidance, cilantro tincture may be added. Magnesium malate at bedtime can help with removal of aluminum.
Silica, chlorella, Microsilica, K-CLEAR, ZeoBind, Horsetail tea, and homeopathic urine nosode can support aluminum detoxification. Miso Cilantro soup combined with a foot bath has been show in increase the output by 20 fold. The prescription option for aluminum is Desferal injections.
In porphyrin testing, aluminum is indicated by uroporphyrin. Mercury by precoproporphyrin and lead by coproporphyrin.
Volvic water has the highest silica content.
Dr. Isaac Eliaz suggested that modified citrus pectin may help to bind aluminum in the gut. It bind galectin-3 which starts TGFb1, NF-kb, and is involved in biofilm formation. There is a blood test for galectin-3 and results in the 17-20+ range are a concern.
Dr. Klinghardt suggested that Pectasol moves to the top of the list of binders based on some of the information shared by Dr. Eliaz.
Sulfhydryl metals include mercury, silver, titanium, barium, strontium, and nickel. These cannot be removed from the body unless they are first oxidized. Sulfur enrichment in the body may be helpful using options such as MSM.
Mercury detoxification is a never-ending process.
There is no good test for heavy metals. A challenge test only shows the mercury in the vascular system of the kidneys.
Curcumin detoxifies mercury. Chlorella increases mercury excretion in the poop and protects the kidneys; thymus grows in size.
There are hundreds of species of Borrelia. Borrelia is genus; burgdorferi is a species. Sensu lato includes many where sensu stricto is Borrelia burgdorferi only.
Organisms exchange plasmids. The microbial world is much more complex than we think.
Only 25% experience a Bulls-eye rash.
Lyme spirochetes are found in Alzheimer's disease along with HSV-1 and metals. Miklossy research can be found here.
Stonybrook has a Western Blot that is not quite as sensitive as IGeneX but often gets insurance coverage.
LTT Ellispot from infectoLab is the best test. All healthy people that had Lyme still test positive on the Ellispot.
Babesia FISH seems to miss more than it finds.
Fry Labs - Mycoplasma, Haemobartonella - shows microbial burden in the blood.
PCR tests have a 15-20% detection and moss 80%.
Lyme disease does not live in the blood. Most spirochetes are found in the brain.
With the Klinghardt Lyme cocktail, some make it for the whole week and then keep in the fridge. Then you can just add the fruit to it daily.
Chris Shade at QuickSilver Scientific has a new liquid phospholipid to put into the Klinghardt Cocktail.
Olive oil can be an effective option for Mycoplasma.
Colloidal Silver with any antimicrobial dramatically amplifies the antimicrobial effects. Liposomal colloidal silver is an interesting idea.
Grapefruit Seed Extract is a biofilm breaker and broad spectrum antibiotic. Has found that some can become allergic to it if used daily so better to use only a couple of days a week.
For liposomal options, an ultrasonic cleaner is used. A vibrational trainer or loud speaker with Mozart music could also be used.
Glycine is the main healer for connective tissue.
Propolis restores MSH.
Artemisinin taken daily results in the body producing an anti-toxin against it that makes it no longer absorbed after about 3 weeks. Grapefruit juice negates this issue, but does so by killing glutathione in the gut which may put one at more risk for parasites. Liposomal artemisinin does not have this same issue.
If a dog is given cistus tea and normally gets 100 tick bites, they may now only get 2.
Do not add antioxidants with artemisinin. It is best not to take Vitamin C, acai, or similar antioxidants at the same time. Antioxidants are important, but should be done later in the day away from the more oxidative treatments.
Deep Purple and Rose Hips help with the removal of glyphosate from the body.
When one has die-off, it is generally best not to stop the treatment but to drop back to 1/10 of the dose and continue.
Diatomaceous earth has a high amount of silica. However, there is some concern that it may suppress sIgA production in the gut or lead to hypercoagulation if leaky gut is present as it could get absorbed. The diatoms are sharp and could cause microscopic damage.
Biosil is the silica used for aluminum detoxification.
The minimum treatment for most people would include enema protocols and aluminum detoxification combined with the Lyme cocktail. At the very end, antibiotics may be used as a last blow.
Modified Citrus Pectin binds metals in the blood and may also help with radioactive materials. Having chlorella in the gut is a good combination along with Pectasol.
When the thyroid is dysregulated, for every 0.2C drop in temperature, you double the pathogens in the system. Getting the body temperature up is one of the most powerful antimicrobials of all. Underarm target temperature is 97.8F.
It will be difficult to get well without enemas as part of the protocol. Enemas are the future direction of treatment.
About half with Hashimoto's improve with iodine; the others get worse.
Selenium Synergy has been helpful for some with Hashimoto's.
When a female is pregnant, the baby releases stem cells that are 1/2 the DNA of the father. These end up in the thyroid and can be later attacked by the body.
Reverse T3 levels are a good indicator of how healthy the cells are.
Another doctor at the event mentioned that Kent Holtorf uses a formula of Free T3 / Reverse T3. When this is less than 2, it is a problem. Almost everyone is not making enough T3 these days and this is a driver for ATP production. Selenium, zinc, magnesium, tyrosine can be helpful in some. Standard Process Thyrotropin is often useful.

- See more at: ... IhvC4.dpuf
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Re: Conférence internationale 2014: lyme et métaux lourds

Messagede un_ptit_gars » Ven 13 Juin 2014 20:59

for every 0.2C drop in temperature, you double the pathogens in the system. Getting the body temperature up is one of the most powerful antimicrobials of all

Il y a plein de commentaires très intéréssants a relever...mais s'il y en a un seul que je devais mettre en avant, je crois que ça serait bien celui la tellement il me semble fondamental...

Pti gars
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Re: Conférence internationale 2014: lyme et métaux lourds

Messagede un_ptit_gars » Ven 13 Juin 2014 22:32

Pour ceux qui doutent encore de la relation très étroite qu'il y a entre les pathogènes et la toxicité... ;)

We feed parasites and they extract toxins from us. Lead levels in the host and a parasite were compared and found to be 106 times higher in the parasite; cadmium 119 times higher.
The rope parasite may be an adaptive mechanism to survive the time we are in.
Aluminum fosters the growth of microbial pathogens and parasites. Aluminum is probably the main cause of parasites and Lyme disease.
A rope parasite was shown to have 228 times more aluminum than the host; 72 times more lead; 62 times more zinc, and 94 times more magnesium.
The rope parasite may be an adaptation in how the body responds to heavy metals.

Pti gars
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Re: Conférence internationale 2014: lyme et métaux lourds

Messagede queserasera » Ven 13 Juin 2014 23:59

Merci bcp [img]images/icones/icon14.gif[/img]

Je n'ai pu en lire que la moitié ce soir mais c'est extrêmement intéressant et instructif.


Re: Conférence internationale 2014: lyme et métaux lourds

Messagede jibouille » Mar 17 Juin 2014 12:18

Tu les achète toi les DVD pti_gars?
J'étais tenté mais je me demandais si ça vallait vraiment le coup compte tenu des retranscriptions qu'on retrouve...

Je pense que je vais m’intéresser à la détox du glyphosphate, ça à l'air d'être une vraie saloperie. Ils conseillent biopure rosehips, deep purple, micro silice, t'a testé des trucs de ce côté la?
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Re: Conférence internationale 2014: lyme et métaux lourds

Messagede tuchiana » Mar 17 Juin 2014 13:08

un_ptit_gars a écrit:Pour ceux qui doutent encore de la relation très étroite qu'il y a entre les pathogènes et la toxicité... ;)

We feed parasites and they extract toxins from us. Lead levels in the host and a parasite were compared and found to be 106 times higher in the parasite; cadmium 119 times higher.
The rope parasite may be an adaptive mechanism to survive the time we are in.
Aluminum fosters the growth of microbial pathogens and parasites. Aluminum is probably the main cause of parasites and Lyme disease.
A rope parasite was shown to have 228 times more aluminum than the host; 72 times more lead; 62 times more zinc, and 94 times more magnesium.
The rope parasite may be an adaptation in how the body responds to heavy metals.

Pti gars

Donc, les bestioles captent les metaux, je trouve ca bien car de cette maniere les metaux ne se baladent plus dans le corps.
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Re: Conférence internationale 2014: lyme et métaux lourds

Messagede queserasera » Mar 17 Juin 2014 13:25

si son hypothèse est avérée pour les rope parasites, ça voudrait dire qu'il faut en éliminer un bon paquet pour éliminer les ML accumulés puis faire bouger les ML et attendre que de nouveaux rope machins les absorbent puis les éliminer et ainsi de suite ... ?


Re: Conférence internationale 2014: lyme et métaux lourds

Messagede jibouille » Mar 17 Juin 2014 13:57

domanlai a écrit:si son hypothèse est avérée pour les rope parasites, ça voudrait dire qu'il faut en éliminer un bon paquet pour éliminer les ML accumulés puis faire bouger les ML et attendre que de nouveaux rope machins les absorbent puis les éliminer et ainsi de suite ... ?

Ca veut surtout dire qu'il faut toujours travailler l'axe détox + binders en même temps qu'on agit sur le côté parasites/champignons/bactéries
Le fameux tabouret à 3 pattes :top:
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Re: Conférence internationale 2014: lyme et métaux lourds

Messagede queserasera » Mar 17 Juin 2014 21:11

et oui mais ça - malheureusement ... ou pas, j'en sais rien, je peux pas le faire avec les enfants.

ça veut dire que tu considères ces rope parasites comme des vers standard qui émettent des toxines et relâchent des ML avant de sortir.
comme en fait on sait pas ce que c'est, juste que c'est bien quand ça sort, comment savoir si ça suit la même logique que les autres parasites. Puisqu'en fait, il ne semblent pas mourir et sortir naturellement mais uniquement avec des lavements (d'après l'expérience de tout le monde et confirmé par Klinghardt).

Et là on en sort tous de manière assez intensive depuis la pleine lune de mai (enfin le rythme est au max celui de la fréquence des lavements tout simplement) et ma fille en sort quasi 2 à 3 par jour et même pendant la période sans antiparasitaire. Je ressens pas d'effet de détox et il me semble pas en voir chez mes enfants (pour mon fils c'est plus difficile à dire mais pour ma fille franchement pas du tout)

donc je suis pas en train de dire qu'il ne faut rien faire en plus mais, comme j'ai pas trop le choix, je constate que ça n'a pas l'air d'avoir trop d'effet de ce style.


Re: Conférence internationale 2014: lyme et métaux lourds

Messagede un_ptit_gars » Mar 17 Juin 2014 21:51

jibouille a écrit:Tu les achète toi les DVD pti_gars?

Non j'en ai jamais acheté...c'est surtout parceque je comprend relativement bien l'anglais écrit, mais bcp moins quand je l'entend de manière orale. Du coup avec les subtilités nécéssaires pour ces aspects qd même bien techniques de santé, je suis sur que je comprendrais quasiment tout de travers, ou pire... a l'inverse! :lol:

Je pense que je vais m’intéresser à la détox du glyphosphate, ça à l'air d'être une vraie saloperie. Ils conseillent biopure rosehips, deep purple, micro silice, t'a testé des trucs de ce côté la?

Je m'y intéresse bcp moi aussi, ça fais deja deux ans que tous ces docteurs le rabachent sans cesse, je pense que c'est un point réellement important. Pour le moment je n'ai rien essayé parmi ces produits, je pensais deja y travailler en énergétique type isothérapie avec l'Asyra, et ensuite travailler avec la phyto également.

Pti gars
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Re: Conférence internationale 2014: lyme et métaux lourds

Messagede tuchiana » Mer 18 Juin 2014 10:23

Concernant le produit de Biopure Rose Hip qu'ils appellent Rosa Candidia et en meme temps Rose des Chiens, il me semble qu'il y a un malentendu - la rose des chiens c'est Rosa canina qui est presente dans la Madre C qu'on achete chez i-herb [img]images/icones/icon8.gif[/img]

Le prix de Biopure est vraiment hallucinant. Et je ne crois pas que ca soit fait a la base de plantes vraiment sauvages :no:

Pour comparaison voici un petit prix, j'ai teste ce produit mais je ne suis pas allee voir comment ils le font: ... anguage=en

Ca coute 3 euros les 250 gr. Mais attention a la date d'expiration, ca ne se conserve pas 4 ans comme chez Madre C, il faut d'abord se renseigner.

Voici le site du producteur, ils ont change d'emballage et probablement de prix: ... ip-powder/
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Re: Conférence internationale 2014: lyme et métaux lourds

Messagede jibouille » Dim 22 Juin 2014 14:50

et oui mais ça - malheureusement ... ou pas, j'en sais rien, je peux pas le faire avec les enfants.

ça veut dire que tu considères ces rope parasites comme des vers standard qui émettent des toxines et relâchent des ML avant de sortir.
comme en fait on sait pas ce que c'est, juste que c'est bien quand ça sort, comment savoir si ça suit la même logique que les autres parasites.

De toute façon de plus en plus de monde commence à penser que le développement de plus en plus de ces parasites au sens large (champignons, bactéries, vers de tout type) est à mettre en corrélation avec l'évolution de notre mode de vie. Plus l'organisme est intoxiqué, plus il y a de micro organisme qui se développent, et qui paradoxalement nous aident d'une certaine manière à palier l'excès de toxicité que nous avons en l'absorbant.

Donc c'est selon moi c'est vraiment plus qu'une nécessité de prendre de binders qui vont absorber tout ce qui est relargué, si tu prends le fusil mitrailleur, que tu bastonne à tout va à coup d'anthelminthique bien violents, et que derrière tu ramasse pas les morts et ce qu'ils relâchent, tu te tire une balle dans le pied :/
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Re: Conférence internationale 2014: lyme et métaux lourds

Messagede lucie » Dim 16 Juil 2017 23:32


Je voulais simplement vous remercier d'avoir retranscris le contenu de cette conférence !

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