Induced Native Phage Therapy du Dr Jernigan

Comment lutter contre les multiples infections chroniques qui se développent en présence de produits toxiques dans le corps

Induced Native Phage Therapy du Dr Jernigan

Messagede un_ptit_gars » Dim 3 Mai 2020 08:32

Salut a tous,

Pour celles et ceux qui ne le connaisse pas, le Dr Jernigan est un des très grand spécialistes mondiaux des pathologies environementales, ayant une vision et une compréhension globale parmis les meilleure que j'ai pu voir. Il ne cesse d'innover et de proposer de nouvelles méthodes de soins, en agissant aussi bien sur le terrain, les corps énergétique, la structure, les pathogènes et la détox.

Je voulais aujourd'hui partager avec vous son dernier article sur la technique des "phages modifiés" qu'il a créé et qui selon lui est un tournant majeur pour le traitement de lyme et des co-infections. Ayant suivi de près ses travaux depuis des années, je ne doute pas que s'il s'entousiame a ce point c'est qu'il a vraiment trouvé quelquechose de novateur et extremement intéréssant.
Je vous laisse donc découvrir plus en détail cette nouvelle méthode, qu'il a appellé "Induced Native Phage Therapy" (INPT).

Pti gars
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Messages: 11123
Inscription: Ven 23 Nov 2007 07:00
Localisation: Toulouse

Re: Induced Native Phage Therapy du Dr Jernigan

Messagede un_ptit_gars » Dim 3 Mai 2020 08:33

Exciting Preliminary Results Treating Borrelia with Native Phages

By Dr. David A. Jernigan

Initial test results are very promising that the newly discovered Induced Native Phage Therapy (INPT)* may indeed cause phages to attack and eliminate all of the targeted Borrelia bacteria, within an unprecedented five days, with minimal Jarish-Herxheimer reaction worsening. The idea of truly eliminating 100% of the bacteria within a week is unheard of, especially contrasting the present drug and botanical models of treatment that require months to years of numerous antibiotics and difficult Herx reactions.

INPT can be viewed in the same manner as one would think of stimulating the immune system. Instead of stimulating the body’s immune cells by nutritional, manipulative, bioenergetic, or botanical methods, INPT is stimulating existing phages within the body as an untapped alternate immune defense against infections.

In a recent article reported here I presented the hypothesis that naturally-occurring, or native phages, could be induced to specifically and rapidly target and kill all of the Borrelia in the body, penetrating and killing even those bacteria hidden behind biofilms. A proprietary bioenergetic process was developed in November of 2019, called Induced Native Phage Therapy (INPT) which with ongoing testing is moving from hypothesis to clinical theory.

Although phages have been used for many years to fight antibiotic-resistant bacteria, no one has conceived that every bacterial infection that enters the human body is already infected with its own specific type of phage infection, what we are calling native phages, which persist as long as their bacterial host survives. (Read here the known and new science of phages) The driving and new concept behind INPT is that these native phages could be bio-energetically induced to rapidly and completely destroy their host bacteria. The stimulating, or inducing of these native phages is unique to the INPT process.

Historically conventional phage treatments have focused on finding and introducing phages from outside the body which are introduced by the treating doctor into the patient, usually in a cocktail of several types of phages hoped to eliminate the pathogenic bacteria in the patient. This process is tedious and is great when it works, but requires much trial and error of finding a match of the exact phage or phages that will kill the patient’s infection.

The Newest and Most Sensitive Lyme Testing

The newest, most sensitive, and accurate lab test for acute or chronic infection with any of the 20 different strains of Borrelia spirochetes, such as B. burgdorferi, B. miyamotoi, B. hermsii, B. duttonii, etc., collectively the causative bacteria of Lyme disease, is the Phelix Borrelia-Phage test developed by R.E.D. Laboratory in Belgium.

The Phelix Borrelia-Phage test is so accurate because it is a qPCR test that seeks to find the DNA of Borrelia-Phages. These are bacteriophages, often shortened to phages, which are a type of virus that specifically and only targets Borrelia bacteria as a host to replicate more phages. Anytime you have Borrelia bacteria in your body, you will definitely have Borrelia-phages. Unlike the Lyme spirochetes, which are often difficult to find with conventional lab testing, the Borrelia-phages are quite easy to detect.

Conventional lab tests are looking for the DNA of the spirochetes or the antibodies to the Borrelia spirochetes, both of which are often undetectable by the conventional Lyme Western-blot and PCR testing, causing many false-negative test results. Many people have been incorrectly told that they do not have Lyme disease due to the inaccuracy of these tests.

Turning Hypothesis into Clinical Theory

To date, a total of 14 people, with acute and chronic Lyme disease (Borreliosis), from multiple states in the U.S. and other countries, have had their blood drawn for the first of a series of three Phelix Borrelia-Phage testing. The blood for the initial test was drawn one to two days after starting INPT targeting of their Borrelia. This initial challenge is to increase the number of detectable phages as they attack and kill the Borrelia. All of the initial Phelix Borrelia-Phage tests were found to be positive.

The second Phelix test took place roughly two weeks after the initial test. It was decided that although it is believed that the Borrelia were completely gone within five days, according to the laboratory findings, it requires 3-5 days for all of the Borrelia-phages to die off after the last of the Borrelia spirochetes are dead. Without the Borrelia spirochetes to manufacture more of the Borrelia phages, the phages cannot survive.

In this second Phelix test, the first person’s test result is just in and reported as negative, verifying the bacteria have been eliminated. This result was double confirmed by the laboratory, with a very high confidence in the result due to the nature of high specificity and high sensitivity of the Phelix Borrelia-Phage test.

A third Phelix test is planned after at least 45 days have passed from the second test. This will allow 2-3 replication cycles of any potential residual Borrelia. A negative finding on this third test will help to verify the idea of complete annihilation of the Borrelia from all parts of the body.


The historical use of phages and the incredible speed of recovery often seen from severe infections is well-documented in the literature, at times eliminating the target bacteria within two days. More INPT/Phelix testing will be ongoing, however these initial results of INPT appear to be very encouraging. INPT may usher in a new era of bioelectrical/bioinformatics in medicine to induce phages to address much more than infections.

*INPT is an innovation developed by Dr. David A. Jernigan, D.N.M, D.C., the founder and CEO of the Biologix Center for Optimum Health, in Franklin, Tennessee. An IRB Retrospective Registry is in place to publish peer-reviewed articles as this clinical work progresses. There are no financial or academic conflicts to be reported between Biologix and RED Lab.

Source: ... sKYYLIOfjE
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Messages: 11123
Inscription: Ven 23 Nov 2007 07:00
Localisation: Toulouse

Re: Induced Native Phage Therapy du Dr Jernigan

Messagede un_ptit_gars » Dim 3 Mai 2020 08:35

New Technology for Treatment-Resistant Infections

Whether one is dealing with treatment-resistant tick-borne illness, such as Lyme disease and its co-infections, Staph infections, or any other type of bacterial or mold illness, the lack of effectiveness of antibiotics, as well as people’s increasing inability to tolerate natural or prescription antibiotics, is leaving people with few options, leading to extreme and prolonged suffering. To make matters worse, many natural and prescription treatments put too much of a strain on the already profoundly weakened person. It appears there is an exciting new solution.

A new discovery recently made at Biologix Center for Optimum Health, may prove to be a viable solution to these “super-bug” and stealth microbe problems. Dr. David A. Jernigan recently developed a new technology which he calls Induced Native Phage Therapy (INPT), the concept and results of which have been verified by three other doctors. If you want to learn more about phages the following link is a good video that shows how phages work, although it is featuring a different type of phage therapy.

INPT is based on the established science of bacteriophages, naturally-occurring viruses that only attack and kill bacteria. Also known as phages, these viruses are not the type that cause illness in people. In fact, every type of phage will only target and kill one type of bacteria or mold. For example, a Lyme spirochete phage will only kill a Lyme spirochete, a Staph phage will only kill staph bacteria, an Aspergillus phage will only kill Aspergillus mold. If this were not enough, there is nowhere the bacteria and mold can hide from the phages, since the phages can even cross the blood-brain-barrier, the phages can get inside the cells of your body to kill the microbes hiding there, and the phages can even dissolve the biofilms with which some bacteria coat themselves for protection.

You might wonder why mainstream medicine is not using bacteriophages when the CDC reports over 2.8 million people in the United States alone are infected with antibiotic-resistant infections and 47,800 people are dying every year from antibiotic-resistant infections in the U.S. The reality is that externally-sourced bacteriophages are being used in other places in the world, however it is a person-specific therapy that requires the matching of known phages to the specific infection the person has and is therefore difficult to find a match for each person.

INPT is different from any bacteriophage therapy used to date in that instead of working with phages isolated from outside sources, and introducing these into the body, INPT works to program the naturally occurring phages in everyone’s body to go an attack and kill whatever microbe is the worst, then we must determine the next worst type of bacteria and target specific native phages to attack and kill those bacteria, and so on.

It turns out that there are as many as 724 trillion cells in the human body. Estimates say there are a little more bacteria (1.3:1) than cells in the body. So that means there are about 962 trillion bacteria in the average person. Almost a quadrillion bacteria sounds like a lot until you consider that there are as many as 100 times more native (naturally-occurring) phages in your body than bacteria! This means that in the healthy human body there are approximately 96.2 quadrillion phages of many types!

The hypothesis behind INPT was that it should be possible to stimulate native phages, phages that already exist in everyone’s body, with the perfect combination of specific extremely low frequencies (ELF) so they become activated to attack and kill the target bacteria. These strategic frequencies would be selected to only activate the one type of phage that will naturally kill the type of bacteria being targeted, such as a Borrelia-specific phage to kill the specific strain of Borrelia making the person sick. INPT appears to have been successful at clearing every type of microbe targeted to date.

According to the research of Louis Teuleires, PhD, of R.E.D Laboratories, the presence of native Borrelia-specific phages is the basis for their highly sensitive Phelix Phage Borrelia test, a test that is much more sensitive at detecting any stage of infection from early to late stage Lyme disease. The Phelix Borrelia test is a much more sensitive than any other testing for Lyme and tick-borne diseases test because instead of looking for circulating antibodies, of which there are often very few, and instead of looking for the DNA of Borrelia, which is not often found in significant quantities in the blood, the Phelix test is looking for the Borrelia-specific phages. These phages attach to the Borrelia and insert their phage DNA into the bacteria to cause the Borrelia to replicate more phages. This eventually kills the Borrelia bacteria. If there are no Borrelia remaining, then the Borrelia-specific phages eventually fade into the background of the virome of the body.

(The Phelix Borrelia Test is only offered at one lab where the test was developed, but it can be ordered from anywhere in the world at this link: R.E.D. Laboratory, however INPT is only available at the Biologix Center, where it was developed. R.E.D. Lab and the Biologix Center are separate entities with no association or financial conflicts of interest.)

It would appear that many of the types of phages, such as the Borrelia-specific phages, are essentially farming the bacteria, using them to replicate. INPT is thought to cause the phages to stop farming and just kill all of their specific bacteria.

INPT appears to be working better than anyone anticipated. The activated phages are working so efficiently that sensitive in-house testing used to help identify a person’s worst type of infection, as well being used to determine the pre-and-post treatment population count of the targeted microbe, shows the bacterial count is going to zero usually within 3-5 days. Contrast this with people being treated for years with numerous antibiotics. The rapidity of clearance was quite unexpected, yet other types of phage treatments offered in other countries have also reported rapid improvements as well, sometimes within two days. Although these adjunctive sensitive tests are not part of conventional medical testing, and therefore cannot be used as a primary diagnosis, their use for over 25 years and clinical confirmatory results lend strong confidence in the test results.

While maintaining a cautious optimism, these early indicators are encouraging. In that only extremely subtle frequencies are being introduced into the body, much weaker frequencies than the frequencies transmitted into the body from the use of cell phones and laptops, there are no ethical or physiological concerns with offering INPT to anyone of any age and condition who is interested in receiving this new technology.

Other Benefits of INPT:

INPT does not tax an already strained immune system. As a matter of fact, it does not require the participation of the patient’s body at all, the phages do all the work, which is a good thing since the body of many chronically infected people are too sick to contribute much towards the killing of the microbes.
Less Herx-reactions
Rapid elimination of the bacteria
The frequencies seem to only influence the bacteria-specific phages without interfering with other body functions or other friendly microbes.
Nothing chemical, as in medications, homeopathics, or botanicals are used, eliminating the common possibility of allergic or toxic reactions making the person worse.
Many will be happy to hear that the delivery of the frequencies does not involve needles.

INPT has already been used with apparent success with the following bacteria:

Borrelia species (Lyme spirochetes)
Borrelia persistor cysts
Babesia microti
Bartonella bacilliformis
Bartonella hensellae
Ehrlichia (IGE and IGM)
E. coli
H. Pylori
C. Diff.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Strep pneumoniae
Haemophillus influenza bacteria

INPT has also had apparent success with the following mold and yeast issues:

Candida tropicalis
Candida pseudotropicalis
Candida albicans

These clinical successes were all part of a multi-prong approach unique to the treatment programs at the Biologix Center. Because of its very recent discovery and implementation, INPT is only available at the Biologix Center. This is not a pill or bottle that can be purchased. It requires the person to be tested, treated, and monitored while undergoing this procedure, since the phages must be modified every day, and as the worst microbe is successfully eliminated, the next worst microbe must be targeted, then the next…

Due to way bacteriophages kill bacteria, literally exploding them where they sit, there is not the usual horrible die-off symptoms typical of antibiotic treatment. However many different measures are taken to help minimize any Jarisch-Herxheimer symptoms that may occur. Because of the way the bacteriophages kill the bacteria and due to these proactive measures symptoms experienced by people undergoing INPT have been generally well-tolerated and of short duration.

It must be understood that while potentially eliminating all of the bad bacteria through any means, while a significant treatment goal, it will not correct the damaged and dysregulated systems and metabolic pathways. This is why everyone receiving INPT is placed on a one to three-week, intensive program, which is tailored to the individual and designed to facilitate the restoration of optimum structural and functional health on all levels. The goal is not just to help the body clear out all of the bad bacteria, but to restore health and quality of life.

INPT is simply an extension of known science. It is not a belief system. It does not require a person to believe it will work and appears to require no contribution of the person’s body, since INPT is only activating the phages to do the heavy lifting.

Efforts are currently underway to collaborate with an advanced phage laboratory in the U.S. and Europe to verify what we are seeing clinically.

Due to the lack of coverage of these programs, we cannot accept any insurance, however we do have zero-interest rate financing, as well as financial aid through a non-profit Foundation for those with financial distress.
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Messages: 11123
Inscription: Ven 23 Nov 2007 07:00
Localisation: Toulouse

Re: Induced Native Phage Therapy du Dr Jernigan

Messagede un_ptit_gars » Dim 3 Mai 2020 08:36

New Technology for Treatment-Resistant Infections

Whether one is dealing with treatment-resistant tick-borne illness, such as Lyme disease and its co-infections, Staph infections, or any other type of bacterial or mold illness, the lack of effectiveness of antibiotics, as well as people’s increasing inability to tolerate natural or prescription antibiotics, is leaving people with few options, leading to extreme and prolonged suffering. To make matters worse, many natural and prescription treatments put too much of a strain on the already profoundly weakened person. It appears there is an exciting new solution.

A new discovery recently made at Biologix Center for Optimum Health, may prove to be a viable solution to these “super-bug” and stealth microbe problems. Dr. David A. Jernigan recently developed a new technology which he calls Induced Native Phage Therapy (INPT), the concept and results of which have been verified by three other doctors. If you want to learn more about phages the following link is a good video that shows how phages work, although it is featuring a different type of phage therapy.

INPT is based on the established science of bacteriophages, naturally-occurring viruses that only attack and kill bacteria. Also known as phages, these viruses are not the type that cause illness in people. In fact, every type of phage will only target and kill one type of bacteria or mold. For example, a Lyme spirochete phage will only kill a Lyme spirochete, a Staph phage will only kill staph bacteria, an Aspergillus phage will only kill Aspergillus mold. If this were not enough, there is nowhere the bacteria and mold can hide from the phages, since the phages can even cross the blood-brain-barrier, the phages can get inside the cells of your body to kill the microbes hiding there, and the phages can even dissolve the biofilms with which some bacteria coat themselves for protection.

You might wonder why mainstream medicine is not using bacteriophages when the CDC reports over 2.8 million people in the United States alone are infected with antibiotic-resistant infections and 47,800 people are dying every year from antibiotic-resistant infections in the U.S. The reality is that externally-sourced bacteriophages are being used in other places in the world, however it is a person-specific therapy that requires the matching of known phages to the specific infection the person has and is therefore difficult to find a match for each person.

INPT is different from any bacteriophage therapy used to date in that instead of working with phages isolated from outside sources, and introducing these into the body, INPT works to program the naturally occurring phages in everyone’s body to go an attack and kill whatever microbe is the worst, then we must determine the next worst type of bacteria and target specific native phages to attack and kill those bacteria, and so on.

It turns out that there are as many as 724 trillion cells in the human body. Estimates say there are a little more bacteria (1.3:1) than cells in the body. So that means there are about 962 trillion bacteria in the average person. Almost a quadrillion bacteria sounds like a lot until you consider that there are as many as 100 times more native (naturally-occurring) phages in your body than bacteria! This means that in the healthy human body there are approximately 96.2 quadrillion phages of many types!

The hypothesis behind INPT was that it should be possible to stimulate native phages, phages that already exist in everyone’s body, with the perfect combination of specific extremely low frequencies (ELF) so they become activated to attack and kill the target bacteria. These strategic frequencies would be selected to only activate the one type of phage that will naturally kill the type of bacteria being targeted, such as a Borrelia-specific phage to kill the specific strain of Borrelia making the person sick. INPT appears to have been successful at clearing every type of microbe targeted to date.

According to the research of Louis Teuleires, PhD, of R.E.D Laboratories, the presence of native Borrelia-specific phages is the basis for their highly sensitive Phelix Phage Borrelia test, a test that is much more sensitive at detecting any stage of infection from early to late stage Lyme disease. The Phelix Borrelia test is a much more sensitive than any other testing for Lyme and tick-borne diseases test because instead of looking for circulating antibodies, of which there are often very few, and instead of looking for the DNA of Borrelia, which is not often found in significant quantities in the blood, the Phelix test is looking for the Borrelia-specific phages. These phages attach to the Borrelia and insert their phage DNA into the bacteria to cause the Borrelia to replicate more phages. This eventually kills the Borrelia bacteria. If there are no Borrelia remaining, then the Borrelia-specific phages eventually fade into the background of the virome of the body.

(The Phelix Borrelia Test is only offered at one lab where the test was developed, but it can be ordered from anywhere in the world at this link: R.E.D. Laboratory, however INPT is only available at the Biologix Center, where it was developed. R.E.D. Lab and the Biologix Center are separate entities with no association or financial conflicts of interest.)

It would appear that many of the types of phages, such as the Borrelia-specific phages, are essentially farming the bacteria, using them to replicate. INPT is thought to cause the phages to stop farming and just kill all of their specific bacteria.

INPT appears to be working better than anyone anticipated. The activated phages are working so efficiently that sensitive in-house testing used to help identify a person’s worst type of infection, as well being used to determine the pre-and-post treatment population count of the targeted microbe, shows the bacterial count is going to zero usually within 3-5 days. Contrast this with people being treated for years with numerous antibiotics. The rapidity of clearance was quite unexpected, yet other types of phage treatments offered in other countries have also reported rapid improvements as well, sometimes within two days. Although these adjunctive sensitive tests are not part of conventional medical testing, and therefore cannot be used as a primary diagnosis, their use for over 25 years and clinical confirmatory results lend strong confidence in the test results.

While maintaining a cautious optimism, these early indicators are encouraging. In that only extremely subtle frequencies are being introduced into the body, much weaker frequencies than the frequencies transmitted into the body from the use of cell phones and laptops, there are no ethical or physiological concerns with offering INPT to anyone of any age and condition who is interested in receiving this new technology.

Other Benefits of INPT:

INPT does not tax an already strained immune system. As a matter of fact, it does not require the participation of the patient’s body at all, the phages do all the work, which is a good thing since the body of many chronically infected people are too sick to contribute much towards the killing of the microbes.
Less Herx-reactions
Rapid elimination of the bacteria
The frequencies seem to only influence the bacteria-specific phages without interfering with other body functions or other friendly microbes.
Nothing chemical, as in medications, homeopathics, or botanicals are used, eliminating the common possibility of allergic or toxic reactions making the person worse.
Many will be happy to hear that the delivery of the frequencies does not involve needles.

INPT has already been used with apparent success with the following bacteria:

Borrelia species (Lyme spirochetes)
Borrelia persistor cysts
Babesia microti
Bartonella bacilliformis
Bartonella hensellae
Ehrlichia (IGE and IGM)
E. coli
H. Pylori
C. Diff.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Strep pneumoniae
Haemophillus influenza bacteria

INPT has also had apparent success with the following mold and yeast issues:

Candida tropicalis
Candida pseudotropicalis
Candida albicans

These clinical successes were all part of a multi-prong approach unique to the treatment programs at the Biologix Center. Because of its very recent discovery and implementation, INPT is only available at the Biologix Center. This is not a pill or bottle that can be purchased. It requires the person to be tested, treated, and monitored while undergoing this procedure, since the phages must be modified every day, and as the worst microbe is successfully eliminated, the next worst microbe must be targeted, then the next…

Due to way bacteriophages kill bacteria, literally exploding them where they sit, there is not the usual horrible die-off symptoms typical of antibiotic treatment. However many different measures are taken to help minimize any Jarisch-Herxheimer symptoms that may occur. Because of the way the bacteriophages kill the bacteria and due to these proactive measures symptoms experienced by people undergoing INPT have been generally well-tolerated and of short duration.

It must be understood that while potentially eliminating all of the bad bacteria through any means, while a significant treatment goal, it will not correct the damaged and dysregulated systems and metabolic pathways. This is why everyone receiving INPT is placed on a one to three-week, intensive program, which is tailored to the individual and designed to facilitate the restoration of optimum structural and functional health on all levels. The goal is not just to help the body clear out all of the bad bacteria, but to restore health and quality of life.

INPT is simply an extension of known science. It is not a belief system. It does not require a person to believe it will work and appears to require no contribution of the person’s body, since INPT is only activating the phages to do the heavy lifting.

Efforts are currently underway to collaborate with an advanced phage laboratory in the U.S. and Europe to verify what we are seeing clinically.

Due to the lack of coverage of these programs, we cannot accept any insurance, however we do have zero-interest rate financing, as well as financial aid through a non-profit Foundation for those with financial distress.
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Messages: 11123
Inscription: Ven 23 Nov 2007 07:00
Localisation: Toulouse

Re: Induced Native Phage Therapy du Dr Jernigan

Messagede un_ptit_gars » Lun 13 Juil 2020 10:43

Dernier article de Jernigan sur l'INPT :


New Lyme-Phage Treatment May Eliminate Borrelia in Two Weeks

By Dr. David A. Jernigan

Treatment-resistant, chronic and apparent relapsing Lyme disease (borreliosis), with its oft associated co-infections which worsen the illness, though once debated, is now well-documented in the scientific literature. Chronic Lyme disease has reached the true status of a global pandemic, though largely unappreciated by the media and mainstream medicine. The politics of medical policy bias prevails in many if not most mainstream medical schools and associations. Due to the prevalence of medical bias against the recognition of the common occurrence of chronic and persistent nature of Lyme disease, the development of out-of-the-box thinking in the treatment has been limited to trial and error, often resulting in increased improvements, as well as increased suffering caused by varied and long-term antibiotics by more forward thinking physicians. The desperation of those suffering from Lyme Disease leads many to rush to the next newest antibiotic in a Russian-Roulette of risking being one of the many people whose symptoms worsen instead of improve with the latest antibiotic, such as Disulfiram, which helps some people, yet harms others.

As stated by Kenneth Liegner, MD in his journal article on the use of Disulfiram for the treatment of Lyme Disease, reporting on the successful treatment of three patients using Disulfiram, “The persistence of borrelial and piroplasm infections despite treatment poses a dilemma for patients and physicians alike. Failure to treat may subject the patient to personal suffering, deterioration, and loss of function, and can eventuate in death [3,4,5,13,15,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66] (Supplementary File 1, 2a and 2b). Open-ended antimicrobial treatment is costly, requires medical oversight for safety, entails risks—including the risk of death—and theoretically risks the emergence of resistant strains of microbes, with public health implications [67,68].

Dr. Liegner asserts that, “Despite this conundrum, little attention and few resources have been directed towards the development of improved treatment methods for Lyme disease and babesiosis, with the goal of complete microbial eradication and clinical cure.”

New Development Yields Encouraging Results

This article details the development of a new treatment concept, Induced Native Phage Therapy (INPT), in which resources are being applied to gain laboratory verification of its effectiveness. Bacteriophages, or phages, are well researched, yet INPT is a completely new application of the science and appears to work by stimulating specific phages to swarm the target bacteria and completely eliminate even the difficult to reach bacteria that are coated with biofilms, and the pleomorphic forms called “persistor cells.” INPT is not to be compared to or thought of as any other previous use of bacteriophages, due to the fact that no bacteriophages are being introduced into the body from outside sources, but instead is thought to stimulate native bacteriophage that already exist in the person with Lyme Borrelia.

Preliminary and ongoing testing has resulted in never before seen results, that appear to provide a viable solution of complete elimination of the Borrelia with minimal to no adverse side-effects or Herxheimer reactions, and no risk of creating resistant strains of microbes.

Results after One Week of INPT Treatment

Twelve people who were previously diagnosed with treatment-resistant, recurrent Lyme disease, underwent 24 total blood tests using the new highly sensitive lab test, Phelix Borrelia-Phage Test. Each person underwent two tests, one test prior to beginning INPT treatment initially tested to confirm each patient did indeed still have Borrelia sp. infection, in spite of previous prolonged pharmaceutical and natural antimicrobial treatment, prior to being treated with INPT for one week. After one week of the discontinuation of the INPT treatment, the test was repeated to confirm all Borrelia were eliminated. All twelve patients who previously tested positive, were found to be negative on the followup Phelix Borrelia-Phage Test, as well as being found to also be negative on conventional Borrelia PCR testing, which was used to doubly confirm the findings. These results appear to demonstrate that this novel treatment, INPT:

Completely eradicates the Borrelia, Borrelia-persistor cells
Rapid eradication of all Borrelia, usually less than seven days
Has no known adverse effects
Causes minimal Herxheimer reactions
Only affects the targeted type of bacteria, leaving friendly flora unaffected
Can be targeted to address any of the different strains of Borrelia sp.
Is designed to penetrate bacterial biofilms
Crosses the blood-brain-barrier
Being a complex frequency-based oral remedy it is completely non-toxic and non-allergenic
Does not require a healthy immune system

To date, many patients have undergone treatment with INPT, with over 60 Phelix Borrelia-Phage Tests being performed in total, the results of which are yet to be determined. Clinical cure, as in the quote above from Dr. Liegner, is a difficult issue to determine, since the eradication of the causative bacteria, while wonderful, does not repair the damage of having the infection for months, years, or even decades in some cases. However, the majority of patients have experienced more rapid and often more dramatic symptom-relief that would be expected with the disappearance of the offending bacteria, Borrelia. Symptom improvement has varied from each individual, with the most dramatic being a few individuals who were wheelchair bound due to their prolonged battle with the infection have been able to stand up from the wheelchair and in one case is able to walk.

Ongoing testing is underway to continue to document the long-term elimination of the Borrelia in these patients. No other treatments for Borrelia were used with the INPT, nor have any of the patients needed re-treatment for Borrelia in the months following their one week of INPT.

The attraction of this work is obvious, however it is even more exciting when considering that if verified with continued INPT treatment and phage testing, the reality is that when there are no Borrelia bacteria or persistor cells left, a person will not be not in remission, as seen with conventional antibiotic treatment when symptoms abate for a period, but because a few bacteria remain in spite of prolonged antibiotic treatment, their illness may return. With none of the Borrelia left in the body, there is no remission, as the person is cured. Reinfection would require the person to acquire the infection by one of the many transmitting vectors, such as ticks.

With the laboratory confirmation of elimination of Borrelia, it appears that a person can now begin and end treatment of Borrelia within an unheard of two week period.

It must be reiterated that Lyme disease is much like having termites damaging the wood of your house. While killing all of the termites (Lyme microbes) is definitely a good thing, the killing of the bugs does nothing to repair the damage they caused in the wood of your house (your body). The first stiff wind will still stress or knock your house down. Instant resolution of all of a person’s symptoms is virtually impossible, even when all of the infection is gone, unless you were only recently infected and only minimal damage has been done to your body. The damage must be addressed in its entirety, in those people with chronic infection and many or severe symptoms.

To continue the house analogy, a hammer will not cut wood, although you cannot build and repair a house without one. In the same manner, an antibiotic or even INPT treatment that eliminates the bacteria is a tool that also just serves its purpose, but cannot repair damaged systems and tissues. One must have many healing tools in the toolbox, and the skill to use those tools, in order to restore optimum health once more.

INPT Does Not Cause a Major Herxheimer – Worsening of Symptoms

The delivery of the INPT treatment has been well-tolerated, even by people who are sensitive to almost all medicines, making it ideal for those with MCS, MCAS, and other hypersensitivity conditions.

The way phages kill a microbe causes much less “die-off” worsening of a person’s symptoms than antibiotics and other antimicrobial products. We now know from research that a “Herx” reaction is not actually from the bacterial guts (endotoxins) spilling into the body as the bacteria are killed as with antibiotics. A Herx reaction is due to the proinflammatory cytokines released by the body’s immune cells that engulfed the dying bacteria. With phage killing of the bacteria the bacteria explodes where it sits and only the debris is cleaned up by the immune cells. The debris does not cause much of a proinflammatory cytokine release and therefore the best treatment outcome is possible, faster and complete annihilation of the target microbe, with less worsening of the patient’s symptoms.

Ongoing Development of INPT at the Biologix Center

INPT was developed and is being used at the Biologix Center for Optimum Health to target any microbial issue, including all of the co-infections associated with Lyme disease, as well as Candida sp., mold, and parasite infections, however the only phage lab test available at this time is for Borrelia strains.

If you would like to participate in our two week INPT program please contact us at Financial assistance is available for those with chronic illness of any type, who desire treatment at Biologix Center and are struggling financially.

A more detailed report of these findings are presently being edited for publication in peer-reviewed article submission.

Bartonella Research Collaboration

The Biologix Center is collaborating with researchers who are working to develop phage lab tests for Bartonella and other types of microbes. The Phelix Bartonella-Phage Test is hoped to be offered before the end of 2020. If you have been diagnosed with Bartonella and would like to contribute a blood sample for the development of this new test, please let us know. Offer available only to patients of the Biologix Center who have been pre-qualified by our testing.

source: ... -two-weeks
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