Réintroduire des parasites (Helminths) pour aider sa flore?

Comment lutter contre les multiples infections chroniques qui se développent en présence de produits toxiques dans le corps

Réintroduire des parasites (Helminths) pour aider sa flore?

Messagede un_ptit_gars » Dim 31 Mai 2015 12:02

Salut les amis,

Je vous fais part ici d'une technique nouvelle que je viens de découvrir, et qui est pour le moins surprenante! Mais comme les connaissances évoluent et que les certitudes d'hier ne sont pas forcément celles d'aujourd'hui, je me suis dis que serait une bonne chose de l'exposer et de laisser chacun se faire sa propre idée.

En gros, un équipe de chercheurs ont mis en place un protocole de restauration d'une meilleure flore intestinale, au travers du fait d'ingérer un certain type de parasite (Helminths). La théorie de leur axe thérapeutique est que notre monde est trop aseptisé et que la diversité de notre flore est trop faible comparé a celle de nos ancêtres ou aux populations des pays monde civilisés, et que cela influe sur notre capacité a trouver un bon équilibre digestif (et un équilibre d'ensemble par la suite).
Ils proposent donc de se supplémenter avec des "probiomics", nom qui a été donné pour l'occasion ;)
Je vous laisse le soin de lire par vous même les infos concernant cette technique si ça vous intérésse, même si pour ma part je reste tout de même prudent sur ce type de méthode (qui va a l'opposé du déparasitage qui jusque la a tjs été proposé dans nos type de pathologies).

Mais comme il n'y a que les imbéciles qui ne changent pas d'avis, peut-etre un jour y verrais-je un intéret également :gla:

Pti gars
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Re: Réintroduire des parasites (Helminths) pour aider sa flo

Messagede un_ptit_gars » Dim 31 Mai 2015 12:03

Biome Restoration and Helminths in Autism, Allergy and Autoimmune Disorders:

Our biome, the life within our personal ecosystem, is missing many of the organisms that were present in our ancestors and that are still living today in many people in less developed countries. A depleted biome is known to play a central and critical role in the development of autism, allergic, and autoimmune diseases. Helminths are complex, multi-celled organisms that naturally inhabit the intestinal tracts of all mammals, creating the macrobiome. However, because of lifestyle advances in industrialized societies, including purified water, processed food, toilets, and so forth, individuals in these cultures no longer have a means of acquiring helminths. This lack of a macrobiome has destabilized the human immune system, and has led to the wide variety of immune-related disease that now plague industrialized societies.
Judith Chinitz, MS, Special Education; MS, Nutrition

Judith Chinitz is a certified special education teacher and nutritional consultant. She has been an active voice in the autism community for many years, writing the book We Band of Mothers: Autism, My Son and the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (with commentary by Dr. Sidney Baker) and multiple articles on both diet and helminths in chronic illness. She has also cofounded several startups, including Wicked Web, in the UK; Medigenesis (now Autism360.org), with Dr. Baker; and Biome Restoration Ltd.

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Re: Réintroduire des parasites (Helminths) pour aider sa flo

Messagede un_ptit_gars » Dim 31 Mai 2015 12:07

Issu du site qui propose cette thérapie : http://biomerestoration.com/faqs/

Frequently asked questions

All of the living organisms within a given ecosystem.

Body Biome
All of the living organisms within the human body.

Probiomic or Body Biomic
A living organism that is cultivated to help reconstitute or reconstruct a natural body biome.

A wide range of organisms (including nematodes, cestodes, and trematodes) that naturally live in the human body. Some are called parasites because they cause disease, and some are called mutualists because they simply provide much needed diversity without causing disease.

What is biome restoration?

Biome restoration involves supplementing the human biome with a wider variety of organisms than our current, modern lifestyles typically promote. Modern technologies including toilets, water treatment facilities, and antibiotics and even shoes may prevent humans from acquiring the same degree of diversity in their inner biomes that our ancestors had. Biome restoration is the simple concept of adding back into our body’s ecosystem an array of organisms, including our natural animal life (fauna).
Does biome restoration relate to the hygiene hypothesis?

The hygiene hypothesis was formulated in the 1980s and stated that the clean living of modern humans leads to allergic reactions. This hypothesis has been revised and refined many times in subsequent years. Biome restoration has no relationship to being clean. That is, the amount of dust in your house or mold in your refrigerator does relate to the microbes and fauna (animal life) living in and on you. Biome restoration, also called biome reconstitution, is the controlled re-introduction of species into the human population aimed at supplementing the human ecosystem – not spreading flu virus to our neighbors!

What are "probiomics" or "body biomics"?

The organisms selected for biome restoration, which are not bacterial probiotics, are called “probiomics” or “body biomics.” Like a probiotic, they are beneficial organisms that inhabit the human digestive system. However, they are animal, as opposed to bacterial, life.

What body biomic does Biome Restoration currently produce?

At present, the probiomic we produce is called HDC (Hymenolepis diminuta cystercercoid). The organisms are found in grain beetles, which are common contaminants in the human food supply. Ancient humans would have consumed these organisms when they ingested fragments of grain beetles that were unprocessed and uncooked. (Recall that soap and running hot water were not in common use during pre-industrial times.)

What do HDCs do in the human body?

HDCs normally live in rodents, and don’t typically develop into adult organisms in humans. Repeated exposure to higher organisms, like HDCs, complete the natural ecosystem of the human body (which also consists of trillions of bacteria and other species), supporting good health.

Who needs biome restoration?

Some individuals who live on farms and live very closely with their farm animals are exposed to a wider variety of organisms and likely have more varied biomes. Otherwise, people that use toilets, wear shoes, shop at the supermarket, and drink clean water should consider biome restoration. That is, anyone who lives in an industrialized society may choose to supplement their healthy lifestyles using HDCs.

How many HDC should I take and how often?

Dosing will certainly be very individual. Listen to your body, observe your children carefully. You will figure out the optimal dose for you.

People take varying amounts of HDC in weekly to monthly doses. (Biome Restoration recommends you do not take them more than once per week.) If you have concerns, discuss dosing with your doctor. A very small minority of people report some mild stomach upset with HDC. Simply drop your dose for a time, until this side effect vanishes.

Most people take a vial of 30 HDC every 2 to 4 weeks.

The most common protocol used in pediatrics is to start with 1 vial of 10 HDC. If no side effects occur, increase to 20 HDC in 2 or 3 weeks. If side effects are seen, stay at that dose for at least one more vial, in 2 or 3 weeks, typically until no side effects occur. Then proceed to a vial of 20 HDC and again, if no side effects are seen, move up to a maintenance subscription of a vial of 30 HDC in 2 or 3 weeks.

There are some children and adults on doses as high as 60 HDC every 2 weeks.

In our shipping solution, the HDC will live a significant amount of time (at least 21 days) in your refrigerator. However, based on laboratory studies, we recommend that OUR PRODUCT BE USED WITHIN 14 DAYS OF ARRIVING AT YOUR HOUSE IN THE REFRIGERATOR AS THIS WILL ENSURE TOTAL VIABILITY. We are continuing to work on expanding the HDCs’ life span.

How are the HDC sent to me and what will the vial contain?

Your HDC, which are invisible to the naked eye, will come in a tiny tube of clear liquid. The shipping fluid’s ingredients are: water, amino acids, glucose and trehalose, with traces of physiological salts, natural organic acids, streptomycin* and amphotericin-B.*

*Each vial contains 1.5mg of streptomycin and 250 ug of Amphotericin B to retard microbial growth (spoilage) in the sample. Although these chemicals effectively retard microbial growth in the small vial, they do not act as an antibiotic in the human body. The chemicals are not absorbed by the body when taken orally, and the amounts in the preparation are about 1000-fold and 75-fold less, respectively, than the effective daily doses for a human. In other words, to be an effective antibiotic, the chemicals would need to be injected rather than taken orally, the amounts would need to be increased 1000-fold and 75-fold, and they would need to be taken repeatedly over the course of several days.

Who should not take HDCs?

HDCs may not be good for people who are severely immunosuppressed (for example, by HIV/AIDS or a genetic condition). The use of body biomics by those individuals is not recommended at the present time.

If someone wishes to begin to restore their biome while pregnant, they should do so under a physician’s supervision.

What supplements and medications may affect my HDCs?

Please be aware that there are certain pharmaceutical products that may harm HDCs. If you take any of these, you may wish to consider taking HDCs more frequently. These include:

Alcopar, Anecoline, Metronidazole and anti-helminthic medications (albendazole, diethylcarbamazine, mebendazole, niclosamide, ivermectin, thiabendazole, pyrantel pamoate, paraherquamide, levamisole, piperazine, praziquantel, promethazine, tridabendazole, octadepsipeptides, amino acetonitrile derivatives). Also, Alinia (Nitazoxanide) does have anti-helminthic properties.

What are the limitations of body biomics and/or biome reconstitution?

Body biomics have several limitations:

A body biomic is not a drug. It is a supplement that helps maintain good health. It does not treat or prevent disease.
The body biomic we produce (HDCs) does not directly help restore the MICRObiome, or the MICROorganisms of the biome. That is, HDC is not a bacterial probiotic. It is a probiomic, a higher organism, and thus has no direct effect on the bacterial content of the gut.
A body biomics is only one part of living a healthy lifestyle. Thus, the use of body biomics is recommended in conjunction with other factors of healthy living, including: a nutritious diet, regular exercise, stress reduction, adequate vitamin D intake and so forth.

Is there anything I can do that will help me maintain good health?

Yes, absolutely! Exercise, sleep, diet and so forth are all crucial parts of healthy living. Another one of the easiest thing you can do to support good health is take vitamin D supplements, especially if you don’t eat enough vitamin D in your diet or if you work indoors under artificial lighting. The renowned scientist and physician Michael Holick wrote an excellent article for the New England Journal of Medicine [1] describing the widespread nature of vitamin D deficiency and explaining how vitamin D is essential for proper immune function.

Reference: Holick, M.F., Vitamin D deficiency. New England Journal of Medicine, 2007. 357(3): p. 266-281.

What are the risks of taking HDCs?

No controlled medical studies have been performed on humans taking HDCs, so the actual risk has not been established. At the same time, HDCs are extremely common in natural environments, yet are not known to cause disease in humans, except in cases of heavy colonization. Further, in cases where people have been intentionally exposed to HDCs, no known adverse reactions have been reported. Thus, we expect that the benefit- to-risk ratio of exposure to HDCs is extremely high.

What happens if I don't like the HDCs?

HDCs do not normally grow and mature in humans, which is why humans need to be exposed periodically to HDCs for biome restoration. Thus, if you don’t like your HDCs, you can stop taking them, and they will die in a few weeks. In rare cases, the HDCs might mature and produce eggs. This condition is not considered to be dangerous, but if you want to be rid of the organisms, you can consult your doctor, who will provide you with a medication to easily eradicate them.
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